Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

Document Library

ImageTitleFile TypeLink
Exploding the Myth of Black Anti-Semitism, Ad in New York Times, 1969pdf
ASK A.I. — “What Color Was Jesus?”jpg
Dershowitz: “Anti-Semitism May Be Dead, But Can Jews Let Go of It?” (1997)pdf
The Black Timeline of Massachusettspdf
NIAGARA MOVEMENT: Declaration of Principles, 1905pdf
Jewish INFLUENCE in World Affairs: In Their Own Wordspdf
Rep. Keith Ellison BOOK CENSORSHIP Letter to Jeff Bezospdf
The NAACP & the Swastikajpg
Judah P. Benjamin & the Ku Klux Klanjpg
1967 newsletter published by SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)pdf
The Real Anthony Fauci — Intro by RFK, Jr.docx
COMPARE Photos of the Million Man March & the Pope’s 2015 Visitjpg
Robert McNamara Sounds Overpopulation Alarm, 1977 (CIA file)pdf
Muslims Do Not Play–Police Attack Mosque #7, 1994pdf
The Debate Over Jews and Slavery: The Washington Post, 1993jpg
JEWISH War Veterans “Blast” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1967jpg
FBI COINTELPRO 1967 “MESSIAH” Memo on “Black Nationalist Hate Groups”png
Dr. Ralph Austen on The Secret Relationshippdf
Police Commissioner Theodore A. Bingham’s 1908 Report on Jews and Crime in NY Citypdf
Lawsuit Against U.S. Government by the Family of Malcolm Xpdf
Hasia Diner: Jewish Peddler Networkspdf
Deadly Exchange Report—Israel’s Training of U.S. Policepdf
James Baldwin Interview, Muhammad Speaks, 1972pdf
1913: Anti-Defamation League Announces Its ACTIVITIESjpg
Jewish Leader Threatens Pres. Obama with “Mossad” Assassinationpdf
Still Evolving, Human Genes Tell New Story, New York Timespdf
The ADL’s Sordid Racism and Hate — EIR Review 1994pdf
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s 1966 Invitation to Dr. Martin Luther Kingjpg
FBI “Suicide Letter” to Martin Luther Kingjpg
Nation of Islam Research Group Newsletters, 2010 – 2013pdf
CIA Covert Actions—SUCCESSFULpdf
Hon Elijah Muhammad Meets with Dr. ML King, 1966jpg
Mafia Decides NOT to Attack Muslim Brother, 1969pdf
“Meat Vs Rice”: A Jewish Attack on the Asianspdf
The Federal Reserve & the ADL, by Cedric Muhammadpdf
A Study of the Threat Posed by Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Million Man Marchpdf
Who REALLY Owns the CDC? Home Depot?pdf
Time to Break the Silence on Palestine, Michelle Alexander, 2019pdf
American Racial Violencepdf
DEPOPULATION BRIEFS Section of the Final Call 2022-2023pdf
On Genocide ‘Israel’, Louis Farrakhan was ahead of his timepdf
Jews in the American Porn Industry, by Nathan Abramspdf
Documented Findings of the Leo Frank Casepdf
The Talmud & Logical Fallaciesjpg
Slave Ship Diagram 1808jpg
Purple Gang of Detroit’s Jewish Criminals, by Dr. Robert Rockawaypdf
Brief History of Anti-Fertility “Vaccines”pdf
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potentialpdf
The Role of the Semitic Peoples in the Expansion of the World Economy Via the Trans-Atlantic Slave Tradepdf
Hon. Elijah Muhammad Addresses J. Edgar Hoover, 1968jpg
J. Edgar Hoover’s Message to American Jews, 1961jpg
J. Edgar Hoover and the Jews, 1972jpg
The Jews & American Slavery, by Morris U. Schappes, 1954pdf
ADL’s Origins, 1913 B’nai B’rith Articlejpg
LEO FRANK CASE: Phagan Family Newsletterspdf
We Hurl Truth At Falsehoodpng
WEB DuBois Souls of Black Folks & Jewspdf
Washington Post Exposes Jewish Slave Traders, 1993png
The Serpent Deceived the Whole World, Muhammad Speakspdf
Esquire Cartoon August 1964, French President Charles De Gaulle points to The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Importance of Middle East OIL and GASpdf
Henry Berry, Virginia House of Delegatesjpg
Rising Tide of Negro-Jewish Tensions, Ebony, Dec. 1964pdf
Map of Jewish Cotton Traders in the United Statesjpg
Harvard Ku Klux Klan Chapter — 1923 Crimson newspaper reportpng
CIA Agent John Stockwell on CIA Torture in Africamp3
Rabbi Bertram Korn Lectures on Jews & the Slave Trademp3
Rev. Billy Graham and Pres. Richard Nixonmp3
Min. Louis Farrakhan: “Miracle man of the Muslims,” Sepia magazine, May 1975pdf
Joel Stein, “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 19, 2008jpg
United Nations, The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential (2019)pdf
Rabbi David Saperstein’s memo to Mrs. Coretta Scott King et al., Aug. 13, 1993pdf
Sermon by Rabbi Jacob Rothschild, Hebrew Benevolent Congregation, Atlanta, Oct. 3, 1959pdf
“America or Japan — Which Will Rule?” editorial in Hearst’s Sunday American, June 22, 1913pdf
Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Min. Louis Farrakhan on “The Best Religion”pdf
“Suppression of Negro Revolts by the Jews of Surinam,” by Simon Wolfpdf
“Should Negroes Boycott Santa Claus?” Jet, Oct. 17, 1963pdf
“Guilty by Association”?: Defending the Nation of Islam against false claims related to the Fresno Shooting Case; Exposing the Plan to Equate Black Nationalism with Extremism, Terrorismpdf
A Mother’s Lap is a Child’s First School: A Resource Guide For Homeschoolers (2010)pdf
Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789–1865, by Rabbi Bertram W. Kornpdf
“‘I Have Been Vindicated!’: The Hon. Louis Farrakhan discusses Black/Jewish relations…”pdf
Jewish vs Black political donations in 2022pdf
Highlights & Key Points of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jewspdf
“Light on the Shadow of the Syphilis Study at Tuskegee,” (2000)pdf
Wilbert Tatum’s War on the ADL (2024), ebook by NOIRG.ORGpdf
International Court of Justice, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel), 29 December 2023pdf
Andrew Goodman, “The Black Muslims: A Phenomenon of Negro Reaction,” essay, May 19, 1964pdf
2010 letters from Min. Farrakhan—to Black & Jewish leaderspdf
“The Crisis in America’s Cities,” an analysis presented by Dr. Martin Lutherpdf
List of NOI Research Group Articles: 2010 – 2015pdf
Abraham H. Foxman and the ADL Spy Masterspdf
Dismantle the ADL: The Anti-Defamation League’s record of racist counterinsurgency and espionage, a Mapping Project exposépdf
“Jews in the Ku Klux Klan,” Jewish Tribune, Sept. 14, 1928pdf
The White House, The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, May 2023pdf
“Anti-Semitism in America,” book review by Micah L. Sifrypdf
Elijah Muhammad, “The Worst Is Yet To Come!” Muhammad Speaks, Sept. 12, 1969pdf
President Barack Obama: Evil Spoken Ofpdf
Robert Rockaway, “Hoodlum Hero: The Jewish Gangster as Defender of His People, 1919–1949,” American Jewish History 82, no. 1/4 (1994): 215–235pdf
The Secret Relationship Between Alabama’s Blacks and Jewspdf
“Malcolm X: On The Record: An Analysis of His Views…” — An ADL Special Report, Nov. 1992pdf
“Race,” chapter 3 of Dr. Harold Brackman’s 1977 Ph.D. dissertation, “The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black–Jewish Relations Through 1900”pdf
“The Secret Relationship” book review by Michael Hoffman, 2010pdf
Rabbi Dr. Morris J. Raphall, “The Bible View of Slavery,” Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, New York City, 1861pdf
Jonathan Schorsch, “American Jewish Historians, Colonial Jews and Blacks…” Jewish Social Studies 6, no. 2 (Winter 2000): 102–132pdf
DEPOPULATION Memo: National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 200pdf