Our New Marys — Young, Black Women Emerge as Voices of Freedom
In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
Marys — Young, Black women emerge as voices of strength for freedom, justice, equality — against genocide in Middle East and crimes against humanity at home and abroad
by Charlene Muhammad, National Correspondent for The Final Call, @sischarlene
When the earth is shaken with her shaking, And the earth brings forth her burdens, And man says: What has befallen her? On that day she will tell her news, As if thy Lord had revealed to her. On that day men will come forth in sundry bodies that they may be shown their works. So he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.
—Holy Qur’an “The Shaking” 99:1–8
As Israel and the Western world wage a genocidal war against Palestinians and commit other atrocities against Original People across the world, the consistent fearless and faithful voice standing in the wilderness against them has been the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, National Representative of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
For his defense of Black people and humanity, as God’s Divine Warner, Teacher and Guide in our midst, Minister Farrakhan continues to be, as he has been for decades, vilified, slandered, attacked, and falsely labeled an “anti-Semite.”
Despite appearances, Minister Farrakhan is not alone in this realm. Yes, there are his followers. What’s more, he is without a doubt backed by the two most powerful men, beings, in the universe — Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
As written by Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad in his Farrakhan the Traveler weekly column in the Final Call newspaper: “While Jesus was on the cross… There were six women and one man, who were his followers, who stood by him as he hung on the cross.”
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan elaborated:
“That very dark hour of Jesus, when he was in that certain and delightful spot that he loved so well, called the Garden of Gethsemane, in the Mount of Olives, there they say he prayed until sweat was dropping from his brow. In that same hour when he was praying—for he was conscious of the hour—his disciples were in a state of sleep or suspended consciousness. They were not aware of the hour.
“It appears that there were aspects of what he said and taught that they didn’t agree with and did not necessarily believe; not because they were disbelievers, but they could not bear the pain of the thought of his leaving them. Nor could they bear the pain of the thought that they might not see him again for a while. Some may have even had the thought that they would never see him again.
“So in that dark hour of their suspended consciousness, when they awakened to the reality of that hour, the soldiers were already upon him and them and took him.
“Then, of course, there was the trial, where he fulfilled what the scripture teaches, that He was as a sheep, dumb before its shearers. He would not even speak in his own defense because it was not his trial. It was the trial of all of those whom he had taught, among whom he had worked, and among whom he had done so many wonderful and miraculous things.
“Now they were called upon to be a witness for him. In that hour of the cry of ‘crucify him’ it appeared that there were no witnesses for him. The people, in their sickness, could accept a thief more easily than they could accept a man of God. So at his crucifixion, none of them, according to scriptures, none of them were present, except for John and these women.
“The six women and the one man represented an untold number that were growing into belief in him but were not present. The events of the hour were making a whole new cadre of believers.”
Enter Sisters Vicki Dillard, Candace Owens, Briahna Joy Gray and Fiona Lali. These young, female warriors have stepped up, at home and abroad, to denounce Israel’s genocide of Palestinian babies, women and men, elderly. They have emerged as voices of defense for Black people and all of humanity, echoing in many cases the Minister’s words. They continue to call out the contradictions and hypocrisies of Zionist Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom and others.
These women are media personalities, activists, students, intelligent, beautiful, and bold. They have sacrificed to become barriers between Shaitan’s wicked machinations and their people and humanity. Whether face-to-face in dialogues with the enemy’s imps or on their podcasts, they fearlessly pinpoint the crux of the issue and raise serious questions about failed leadership and destructive policies.
These young women are not on government payrolls siphoning taxpayers’ money without representation as they cover third-rail issues like Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians, reparations for descendants of enslaved Original People (aka Africans), and ADL censorship. They’re not U.S. Senators or Civil Rights Leaders.
Yet, at the risk of death threats, they have taken on the likes of U.S. Presidents and presidential hopefuls, prime ministers, world leaders, Black pastors and media, Zionist rabbis and mainstream media, and the wicked, villainous Anti-Defamation League and its satanic spawn Southern Poverty Law Center.
Their passionate and compassionate efforts bring to mind—as raised in “A Call For A Showdown and the Enemy’s Fear of Farrakhan,” by Student Minister Demetric Muhammad of the Nation of Islam Research Group (NOIRG)—the vehement opposition leveled against Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez and the 2019 Women’s March as they were pressured to repudiate Minister Farrakhan.
VICKI DILLARD: “Talk Black to me!”
Vicki Dillard unapologetically loves the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and she has emerged in this fight as one of his staunchest defenders. She believes in who Farrakhan is.
Part of this spiritual warrior’s arsenal of intelligence is her creation and cultivation of Vicki Dillard TV. It is a worldwide platform in which she uplifts the words and messages of Minister Farrakhan, feeds people from his divine wisdom, and drives back any and all who would dare to besmirch his good name, character, intent, and denigrate, dismiss, and outright lie about him.
“I am going in on Angela Rye today, the CNN contributor, who decides to fix her lips to attack the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan,” began Ms. Dillard. “Everything that Minister Farrakhan has said it is the truth! That’s why they are mad, little girl. As an attorney, what we’re going to need you to do is come with some receipts. Angela! You’re not giving us receipts. You’re giving us White supremacists’ rhetoric so that we can turn, again, against another Black powerful leader—like White supremacists have always taught us to do in the first place. Somebody, talk Black to me,” said Ms. Dillard during an episode of her podcast VickiPlanet.com. “#MinisterLouisFarrakhan is MORE than a mere mortal. He has LITERALLY done what hardly any other man can claim. He was the contemporary to those we read about in history books. He is a walking, living BOOK. Right here. Right now,” posted Ms. Dillard on Instagram on the Minister’s 91st birthday on May 11, 2024.
Ms. Dillard has the kind of heart necessary to be with Jesus, while he is on the cross. She is with Minister Farrakhan.
Today we spotlight a warrior woman who stands with him, as others either flee or attack or try to ignore—whether in unwitting ignorance or knowing opposition—his presence and Message from Allah (God), hoping he and his cause would go away so as not to inconvenience them or their ‘friends,’which are his and their enemies, little do they but know.
Minister Farrakhan further stated to the Angel Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad (May Allah Be Pleased With Him), in Closing the Gap: Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Soul of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan:
“Regardless to their lapse, the disciples could have been raised in the next instance, or they could have been replaced by those who bore resemblance to them, in terms of faith. But under a new reality, they became renewed in the knowledge that he was, in fact, alive.
“Some of the old can be made new but most of the old will be gone; unworthy, unfit to be with him in that next dispensation.”
In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
—Hebrews 8:13
Following is a (lightly edited for clarity and brevity) Q&A that presents a bit of insight about Ms. Dillard, her love for and defense of Minister Farrakhan, in her own words. Then, there is a snapshot highlighting the other women standing with Jesus, by virtue of them raising their voices and their actions to fight against all odds for freedom, justice and equality.
CHARLENE MUHAMMAD (CM): The Minister is on the cross, and the wicked have been crucifying him for a very long time, prior to this. And many are asleep. It appears that those who say they love Black people, fight for Black people, are mute. But you’ve been standing up. Why, how, and when did your love for Minister Farrakhan begin?
VICKI DILLARD (VD): My love for him began a long time ago, but I think that what has meant the most, stood out the most was probably close to 18 years ago. And I say that not only him, but the Nation of Islam. During that time I was watching a few videos, like Dr. Khallid (Abdul Muhammad) and some of the strongest language of dealing with the beast because I was fighting civil cases, and I was dealing with local government, state entities and ultimately federal. In the civil setting, I was fighting Wall Street folks—this is without an attorney, without training. I was losing everything, my businesses and all kinds of stuff and this was leading to the 2008 (financial) crash. It was before then—the (financial) meltdown that was taking place—and then there was a lot of other stuff going on, so this was before then. But the point is during that time and after when I was fighting, fighting, fighting, I couldn’t believe some of the stuff that I was uncovering. And then when I subsequently became a target after doing a lot of civil stuff and exposing things concerning ‘them’ folks, I found that … the Minister’s strongest messages were comforting to me during that time because some of your other religious brothers and sisters, as it were, were too afraid when they found out I was dealing with those powers; they isolated themselves from me.
I felt like the woman with the scarlet letter… That’s how I was being treated and it wasn’t even about whether or not this was right or wrong; it was more about like when one well-known activist here in the state said, “Well, you know what they want.” He said that to me like that because he wanted me to make a plea agreement…Folks like him want me to just capitulate. Or the advice they gave me—wasn’t nothing strategic about what they were saying.
I wasn’t getting that strong energy of comfort from anybody but Minister Farrakhan. Even in the face of difficulty, it was his messages and others, Dr. Khallid, years ago—those were the ones, those are the ones that I resonated with at that time, because I was in the thick of war! And so the weakness that was exemplified from others, folks that claimed they love God, and from different religions, it wasn’t hitting. Where y’all at now, and why are you acting like these powers are God, and why do you want me to just capitulate? So, the Minister’s messages meant more to me. I mean it just really stood out to me during that time, because he wasn’t backing down. Even though he wasn’t familiar with my situation, obviously, I’m saying that energy resonated with me because the Minister was fearless in dealing with these enemies and calling them out in the most righteous way.
So that would be about the time frame; of course I’d been familiar with him, but I would say it meant more to me during that time than ever before in my life and certainly when I was in the belly of the beast, because my mom made sure that I had the Final Call subscription throughout that time. (Ms. Dillard’s cell mate was affiliated with the Nation and was able to get books, videos and papers but they still heavily censored the Minister, she elaborated.)
During that time I lived off those words and off of the Final Call Newspaper and, of course, even shared my newspaper with other folks. I was very strict about it, because in prison that’s kind of a big thing when you would pass around information to certain people.
In terms of why do I stand with the Minister, I think when you go through difficulty, I was dealing with a similar energy. Not on his level, certainly not on his level, but in my own life…it was the non-stop fighting, so many different layers, because I was uncovering so much stuff. When you’re dealing with that—not many people are like that, so that’s why I rock with him. I mean, he understood this beast better than anybody and so, for me, he’s the truth, and so that’s why I connected with the Minister on that level.
Also, when you’re spiritual for real and you’re really living your convictions and your persuasions and you take your spiritual life seriously, you have less of a desire to please mere mortals. And the worst thing to be and the worst situation to be in, to be honest with you, is intense warfare, because in this time I was so isolated. I was so shunned and I had very few allies with me during that time. (Why do I stand with the Minister?) It’s spiritual and it’s selfish. Number one, I fear God more than I fear man and going through difficulty makes that. That’s why I’m so fully persuaded in that, because of my own journey. And I take my spiritual life seriously. That’s number one. So I understand from a higher perspective what the warfare was about. It wasn’t just about a human being, even the fight that I was in. It was much greater than that. And the Minister has that; he’s got that perspective—He’s more than a man. You know what I mean?—and that energy. I resonate with him because I see him and the government that he represents, that unseen government that he represents. I have more of a fear for that, because that’s going to last longer. It’s a greater power. It’s not only at work in the world, right now, that energy and power.
And two, when I look at his life and I see how they constantly attack him, that’s more proof of who he is to me, his authenticity, legitimacy, and power. So that makes me want to rock with him more, so I see things a little differently. There’s no way I could look at scripture, whatever book or sacred text you want to talk about—the Quran, Bible, whatever the principle is—and you can’t see some of what the Minister walks through being played out…He’s the one.
CM: You consistently feed our people from the word of God, spiritual and historical. For example, during your show, you read from the Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews and How White Folks Got So Rich, texts by the NOI Research Group. And mum’s the word! No response from those who’ve historically come out full force with their press and networks to crush such dissemination of truth. How has this affected you? Also, standing up for the Minister?
VD: When I was on Dr. Boyce Watkins’ platform, Fly Nubian Queen, and other affiliate networks, there were rules with that, because even the platforms we were on were restricted back then, long before COVID. They shut down some of my videos back then, because they were de-monetizing them. So there were certain rules I had to stick within. But I was still able to say what I said within those rules and people knew regardless: I still rocked with the Minister, even when I was trying to respect all these technical rules for the network, technical rules of the platforms that we were on—I can’t not be that way. I was born for that.
And, again, you cannot have an experience, and I’m not trying to be super spiritual here, because it’s not really any way for me to disconnect from this. But I’ve had too many actual encounters with the divine realms, for me to act any other way. I understand that there’s a changing of the guards and I always say there’s a changing of the gods and goddesses as well. So there’s a natural order of shifts, the New World Order shifting that’s taking place. Whenever I say there’s a changing of the gods and goddesses, I mean this is spiritual. There’s a supernatural, a divine council and government that’s an invisible court, the unseen government…
And because I know the reality of that government, it’s easy for me to rock with the Minister. That’s the kingdom that’s going to last. That’s the new. That’s the baby that’s being birthed. All this drama that we see is happening right now—the difficulty, the resistance, the pushback that he’s gotten—those are birthing signs. …If we didn’t know what birthing was about, and we saw a woman screaming and bleeding, in pain, if we didn’t know better, we would think something is really wrong. But she’s bringing something into being and with that there’s difficulty that comes with that, right? There’s pain that comes with it. There’s also more resources, accommodation and expansion and conveniences and all the stuff that takes place during birth. I recognize that’s what this is. I recognize that the pushback he’s getting—the difficulty, the warfare, the persecution—is because he’s helping to bring it (a new world government) into reality.
That’s why I know what this is. I know what I’m looking at. So necessarily, I’m gonna rock with the Minister. Necessarily, I’m going to support and defend that. Why? I have to support and defend that, because I will be participating in a voice for our people, because he’s helping to bring into existence this new reality. Of course I’m going to defend that because I realize it has something to do with me, too! Their attacking Minister Farrakhan, his reputation, his name, his organization—this affects us all! What he stands for, who he is, affects this plane! So, it’s to my benefit that we say something about this. And I’m not interested in supporting, defending, upholding any shield for Babylon that’s fallen. I’m not interested at all in any of those talking heads, which I call the false prophets, from that old order, that’s still running their mouths, that’s still misguiding and misleading the people. I can’t rock with that. I can’t support that. I come out against that, because that is essentially what’s happening.
It’s a war of words, which means there’s a level of spiritual warfare that’s taking place with the folks that attack, when the news comes at him, when the Black folks that are in the news come at him, and when ‘they’ come out. That’s what that is. So, because I recognize that’s what that is, that’s why I can’t rock with that. And it’s the reason I rock with the Minister and defend him because I recognize the consequence of who this man is and the consequence he is on our people, and on humanity, quite frankly.
CM: Thank you so much for your answer. One of the reasons why I appreciate you, I love you so much—besides, or in addition to, being a Black woman, a sister, and being so par excellence, I love excellence, and your heart and your spirit and the spirituality—is that you really get it. We as the rank and file Believers in the Nation of Islam are the army we see, but the Minister has an army that you don’t see, an army in Vicki Dillard and the army with our Sister; and many, many others that you don’t see. You are truly our Sister in faith. And I, we, pray for you.
Were you ever registered in the Nation of Islam?
VD: Yes ma’am. Actually, that’s true, for a short period, which is why I don’t get into great detail about it publicly, because it was a short time but there was always a connection even before there was a formal one, and it was not easy, some years ago, especially doing this work. [Suffice to say,] I just love the Nation, period.
CM: I understand and I thank you so much for answering. How has your stance regarding the Minister impacted those with or around you?
VD: I would say we know that whenever mere mortals consider someone to be controversial and if ‘they’ deem you to be supporting that person, promoting that person, defending that person, ‘they’ put you in the same category. And that’s actually true, because a couple of years ago, in fact, an organization, a print publication, did a hit piece on Dr. Wesley Muhammad (Nation of Islam Student Minister, member of the Nation of Islam Executive Council, author, researcher and highly sought-after presenter) and Brother Rizza Islam (researcher and influencer) and they put me in the piece, too. Of course, it had to do with the Nation of Islam, which obviously is connected to the Minister, but it had to do with our stand on this COVID issue, and they included me in that hit piece by talking about White supremacy.
(Ms. Dillard went on to say that the negative article involved a prominent Black actor/director and the medical industry’s alleged successful push to bully that person into taking the lethal COVID shot publicly, when at first they had come out against it.)
It’s been a couple of years, but the point is they did a hit piece on me and connected me to the Nation of Islam because of that, saying that people clearly see my position in defending Minister Farrakhan. So, that stance comes with that level of attack, but I’m born for that kind of stuff, so that don’t get to me at all.
So, there’s some categories that people will put you into and so obviously by extension they’ll want to attack you as well. But, there are positives of being connected to the Minister, because it’s opened up the eyes of so many people and people are actually resonating with it and folks have come to me because of that.
And don’t forget, the Minister, in my opinion, was one of the most dominant voices that initially came out to warn the world about not taking the vaccine. [View the Minister’s pivotal July 4, 2020, message “THE CRITERION” here.]
I was privileged to have received an invitation from his office to attend his address in the Garden about “The Criterion,” and so me and my mother, going there and being able to be a voice, an extension of that warning, I’ve been taken aback, for that was a strength to me. But it was a strength to the people, because the testimonies I’m getting now are from people that are saying thank goodness that you were one of those voices that encouraged us not to take that dangerous vaccine and providing Zooms and webinars to educate us about that and me bringing on other professionals to talk about this.
But that was to save lives. In my opinion, that consciousness emboldened me; the warning that he gave emboldened me to continue to push that very warning, knowing that I was backed by someone of his caliber and of his stature. My point is that his messages, his teaching, what he stands for, I feel like to some degree I’m an extension of that consciousness of Minister Farrakhan and by extension the listeners around the country, and frankly around the world, are benefiting from that.
CM: Thank you.
Part Two:
Part 1 of this article highlighted the heart and mind of Sister Vicki Dillard, a defender of Farrakhan and a champion for Black people; who calls for justice for the Palestinians under genocide by the Israeli government, fights against the leadership of foreign governments who would attack Black youth in America, and champions the fight for justice for the children of the victims of the Black Holocaust—The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
We resume this series with Sister Vicki Dillard and conclude with other young, Black women, deemed modern-day “Marys” by this writer, for they are standing with Jesus, by virtue of their words and deeds, as he bears his cross, but not alone.
“America’s Zionist ally continues its geopolitical GANGSTERISM. In recent years Israel ADMITS Black Americans are their country’s TARGET. Is this really OUR ally❓We’ve given them WELFARE since they migrated from Europe to the so-called Middle East. They fled one tyrant only to become a global one.” posted Ms. Dillard on TikTok, in reference to remarks by Judith Varnai Shorer, Israeli consul general in Atlanta. At a 2016 conference of the powerful lobbying group Israel American Council (IAC), to a room “packed with Israeli diplomats,” Shorer said this:
“The major problem with Israel is with the young generation of the black community— Black Lives Matter starts there…”
The leaked remarks were exposed in RT.com’s coverage of Israel’s targeting of Black Lives Matter in a bid to counter support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions global campaign against Israel’s occupation and colonization of Palestinian land. (See the Feb. 12, 2019, Final Call article by Student Minister Demetric Muhammad of the NOIRG: “A Call For A Showdown And The Enemy’s Fear Of Farrakhan”.)
Ms. Dillard challenged the U.S. Government and its deep state arm ADL in an online post dated August 3, 2024: “…a consulate for Israel…said in a tape, years ago—before October 7 [2023]—that Black American youth are a threat to Israel, and your government did not hold a hearing. But they’re sitting up here holding a hearing about a possible, likely, what-if scenario about the increase of anti-Semitism on White folk, White Jewish people. We don’t care nothing about your religion. We don’t disrespect no people’s suffering. Black folks are the kindest, sweetest people on the planet. But you all, some of you all, use your religion—you want to talk about that whenever we call out the White supremacists in any religious organization or political organization. You deflect to that when we call out your anti-Blackness and we’re not going to let that dog hunt over here! You don’t get no special protection, especially when we can go back in history and show that you had absolutely everything also to do with the undoing of Black Americans.”
Reparations in Memory of Our Ancestors
On June 15, 2024, Ms. Dillard gave a historic speech, and spoke about the Black Holocaust directly from the book How White Folks Got So Rich, at the Rally for Reparations in Washington, D.C., hosted by Foundational Black Americans founder Tariq Nasheed.
“Every religious group, including ‘them’ folks, had something to do with our enslavement. They all owe us, sir,” she said, in sharing some of her recent Q&A with U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
“Not only that, I told him theirs lasted approximately five years. Ours lasted about what? Five-hundred years and we have not gotten one red cent….After you said you freed us, guess what Black folks did while we were still under Jim Crow, just up from chattel slavery? Didn’t we don the uniform, go over to Germany, and free them from Hitler, only for you to turn around and come here and call us anti-Semitic?! You got us messed up! Somebody say overrule! Objection! Talk Black to me, somebody!” All the while she pounded her gavel on the podium, as the crowd answered her call and response in key and on cue.
Prior to her address at the Reparations Rally, she had reminded Mr. Kennedy during their interview that the 500-year era of terrorism during the Black Holocaust has “neither ceased nor desisted.”
“There is a multi-volume book that talks about the Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, because we know that some of the most deadly and devastating effects that we’ve experienced in slavery had to do with members of the Jewish community,” she continued.
She further told Mr. Kennedy that the Black perspective in the world is unmatched in every way. “So when we talk about something being a genocide or something being a problem, I think our opinion should matter and it should be listened to very closely,” she stated.
In that same interview she addressed Mr. Kennedy’s strength and support of other issues, but weakness when it comes to reparations and the notion of cease fire in Israel. That plus his “extraordinary and misguided defense of Israel is a serious problem,” said Ms. Dillard.
Criticizing Israel
Meanwhile, two women on extreme opposite sides of the political spectrum—35-year-old Christian, author and commentator Candace Owens, a far right (Conservative), and 38-year-old Briahna Joy Gray, far left (Progressive)—have also emerged as voices of strength in this hour of censorship and sanctions.
Both have been fired from online political news outlets for critiquing Israel.
Ms. Owens speaks out against violations of free speech and the American people’s Constitutional Rights under attack through policies such as H.R. 6090, the U.S. “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023,” which became law in 2024. It adopts the Zionist Jews’ International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism when enforcing anti-discrimination laws. The IHRA definition, subjective, deceptive, and ever-changing, reads: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” The IHRA explains further that “Manifestations” of antisemitism “might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity.”
“The Antisemitism Bill, which is horrific, made its way to the House and it got passed somehow. Forget your First Amendment, guys. If you’ve got something to say about Israel, yeah, you’re going to be in big trouble,” said Ms. Owens, during a recent episode of her podcast, “Candace.” “If you even accuse someone who is Jewish of having more allegiance to Israel than they do to America, you are going to be in trouble.”
“…I don’t want to see innocent Palestinians killed. I don’t want to see innocent Israelis killed. I never want to see children killed. I don’t believe children should have to grow up in a war zone based on the actions of a few….Always the demand in all these situations is to make people pick a side; and then if you don’t pick their side, then you get smeared and you get libeled,” said Ms. Owens during an interview on “The Breakfast Club” on March 21, 2024.
“Genocide is always wrong. It is, guys. It is always wrong and it doesn’t matter at any point in human history, any person that is advocating for genocide is always in the wrong,” she added.
On April 4, Ms. Owens posted on X.com: “Israeli children have a right to grow up in a place free from terrorism. Palestinian children have a right to grow up in a place that is free from terrorism. The entire world deserves the right to defend innocent life everywhere without fear of media retribution.”
And in a May 10 post on X.com, she said: “Looks like the *latest* definition of antisemitism is the belief that AIPAC (and all apparent foreign lobbyists) should be banned from influencing our elections & attacking our congressmen. At this point, I think we need Amber alerts of the daily definition of antisemitism.”
Ms. Owens has also boldly taken on the ADL, as in this May 23 post on X.com:
The ADL was literally created to cover for a wealthy pedophile murderer named Leo Frank, who raped and killed a 13 year old little girl then tried to blame it on a poor black illiterate janitor who worked for him. This was in 1913 in the racist segregated south. The evidence was so overwhelming that they convicted…wealthy Leo Frank despite his attempts to plant evidence on other people. The ADL now refers to Leo Frank as a “victim of antisemitism”. They are sick, perverted defenders of pedophilia and murder. Every single person should study the Leo Frank case and ask yourself why the ADL has so much pull in our government.
Ms. Owens and Briahna Joy Gray were both fired from their respective jobs at The Daily Wire and The Hill because of their stance on the war in the Middle East and more. Ms. Owens was a mainstay on the The Daily Wire news outlet, co-founded by Ben Shapiro, but during her tenure they had many public disagreements about her coverage of Israel and she was attacked as an “anti-Semite” for her truthful, factual comments. “If anything sounds crazy to you, I’m telling you, do your independent research and you will be shocked to see that it is not so. Everything you’ve learned is an intentional lie meant to psychologically convince you that the government is your friend. It is not,” Ms. Owens told her viewers.
She aptly pointed out, however, that it was okay with her Jewish bosses when she spoke about the condition of Black America in a negative way or when she was criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement. But when she spoke the truth from her due diligence in research and study of past and current events regarding the Israeli-Hamas war, she was falsely labeled an “anti-Semite.”
Ms. Owens also speaks out about what she calls racial supremacy hiding under the guise of victimhood. “Some of the same people who openly (and rightfully) discussed the flaws of BLM believe that their own communities are above reproach. That is called racial supremacy,” she posted May 23 on X.com. She called out the contradiction of those who applaud her and publicly label her courageous for the strength it took to point to the flaws within her own community and then do a complete 180 when she notices issues within their (Jewish) community.
Briahna Joy Gray, the host of The Hill online morning news show “Rising,” was also fired for criticizing Israel. Ms. Gray’s former employers claim the firing was over her having rolled her eyes and sighed while an Israeli woman spoke about her sister’s alleged abduction by Hamas on Oct. 7.
Not only are these young Black women unafraid to challenge false propaganda, their keen intelligence, verbal acuity and cool-under-fire professionalism are extraordinary; their stellar research, irrefutable. They use the public domain to present factual accounts of the issues, including direct quotes from Jewish experts, scholars and historians, just as The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has directed the scholars of the Nation of Islam to approach their work.
Presented in episode 5 of her show, “Candace,” was the highly anticipated dialogue between her and Ms. Briahna Joy Gray.
“Is America a sovereign nation or are we being controlled by Israel?” the popular conservative commentator asked in her introduction.
Interestingly the ADL has been completely silent.
Ms. Owens continued: “…It seems like our country is being held hostage by Israel….We are seeing people that are having their entire livelihoods destroyed for critiquing a foreign nation. That’s absurdity!” She cited as proof how in 2020, the U.S. Government had thoughts about banning the Chinese social media platform TikTok, based on a request from former Pres. Donald J. Trump, who viewed it as a national security threat, she stated. That same year it was banned by Executive Order in 45 days if it was not sold. However, that order was blocked and the app survived—until it got on the wrong side of Israel, she continued.
“After Oct. 7, things on TikTok weren’t trending in the pro-Israel way. In fact, it was very much trending in the pro-Palestinian way, and the ADL’s CEO [Jonathan] Greenblatt said this is a problem and we have to deal with it,” paraphrased Ms. Owens.
“We really have a TikTok problem, a Gen-Z problem, and our community needs to put the same brains that gave us Taglit, the same brains that gave us all these other amazing innovations, need to put our energy towards this, like, fast, because again, like we’ve been chasing this left/right divide. It’s the wronggame. The real game is the next generation,” stated Anti-Defamation League (ADL) director Jonathan Greenblatt in a leaked recording, which Candace Owens played for viewers.
But, oddly, mum’s the word from the ADL to Ms. Owens’ comments since the start of her new show. No response from the very organization that historically and typically has come out in full force with its ‘Operation Mockingbird’ press and networks to crush Black critics of ADL/Israel and suppress those Black voices who disseminate truth.
During the June 2024 interview of the sister of an alleged Oct. 7 abductee, Ms. Gray emphatically pushed back against the Israeli woman’s false implication that in Michigan, which has the largest Muslim and Arab population in America, “there is any threat of terrorism from our own people [because of] America’s support of Israel’s continued occupation of Palestine…” Ms. Gray went on to say in the more-controversial-than-usual interview that she hoped that Israel agreed to the cease-fire deal that could bring all the hostages, including the interviewee’s sister, home. With that, Ms. Gray found herself, as she put it, among the growing number of journalists informing themselves about Israel, who are finding themselves on the “wrong side of this issue” when it comes to censorship. Talking critically about Israel, particularly in media, is really the one true red line, said Ms. Gray. The political commentator wrote on X, “There should be no doubt that @RisingTheHill has a clear pattern of suppressing speech — particularly when it’s critical of the state of Israel.”
“It really does feel like free speech—except for when it comes to Israel. Progressive—except for when it comes to Palestine. I mean, there’s this Palestine-sized hole or exception in a lot of people’s principled stance against various issues,” she stated. “I say progressive except for Palestine, because there are similarly people on the left who say that they care about various groups, who say that they are anti-war, but who very similarly will look the other way or frankly become oppositional when suddenly the people that we’re talking about who are under siege and a conflict are in fact Palestinian,” she added in her interview with Candace Owens.
Ms. Owens remarked that the mainstream media’s skewed reporting about such incidents, and her colleague’s firing, spotlight that they don’t actually report what Ms. Gray said. “Unless you view a certain race to be just above critique, really, is what it is,” said Ms. Owens.
Both young women remained undeterred and have not backed down from speaking the truth about “the nation-state of the Jewish people” and its Zionist lobby.
Ms. Owens, in episode 9 of “Candace,” questioned the official narrative of what happened on September 11, 2001. As reported by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, she cited the documentary Loose Change and the reality of false flag attacks. In her episode 34, she called out the blasphemous “Last Supper” Summer Olympics opening, the infamous Babylonian Talmud, the ADL’s birth as a cover for the crimes committed by its B’nai B’rith leader Leo Frank, and more. In her recent interview with Candace Owens, Briahna Joy Gray described the “torture camp that exists in Israel, where…Palestinian men have been having metal electric rods inserted into their rectums as a kind of torture” and the “ample reports of rapes that are substantiated,” including Israeli military forces and prison personnel assaulting and sodomizing Palestinian detainees—innocent civilian men, women, and children, older persons, persons with disabilities, the injured and the sick.
Previously, on The Hill’s “Rising,” Ms. Gray exposed and debunked the Zionist propaganda of “Hamas mass rape,” a vile hoax fabricated and promoted by the New York Times, Guardian, and other mainstream media. Rather, the government of Israel has conducted a systematic policy of prisoner abuse and torture since the start of the Gaza war, subjecting Palestinian detainees to acts ranging from arbitrary violence to sexual assault, according to the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem. And, during one of her last podcasts at The Hill, Ms. Gray reported that Israel dropped an at least 2,000-pound bomb on a tent encampment in Rafah, killing 45 people, the majority of whom were women and children, according to a treating doctor. “Israel finally crossed an unforgivable red line. There’s no coming back from this,” read the bold lettering on her June 3 Instagram post, affirming Minister Farrakhan’s remarks about Israel at the L.A. Forum on September 14, 1985, and his judgment of Israel that has stood the test of time since June 24, 1984—observations for which he has been relentlessly crucified:
“…America and England and the nations backed Israel’s existence. Therefore when you aid and abet someone in a criminal conspiracy, you are a part of that criminal conspiracy. So America and England and the nations are criminals in the sight of almighty God. Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.
“America and England and the nations, because of their backing of Israel, are being drawn into the heat of the third world war, which is called Armageddon. Oh America, you have blundered so. And instead of recognizing the mistake you have made and make a turn for the better, you persist in your evil. And so the consequences of evil must come…”
War Criminals
“You are a war criminal,” 26-year-old student Fiona Lali told UK ex-Home Secretary Suella Braverman with poise during an interview on GB News, a British free-to-air, opinion-orientated news television and radio channel. The young revolutionary’s comments went viral. They came after Ms. Braverman, who is with the right wing Conservative Tory Party, confronted student protestors at the University of Cambridge. Ms. Braverman claimed she went to “find out their views and what they were protesting about,” as if that had not by then been made clear by the students and a group of academic staff, grad students and alumni supporting them. Like students at over a hundred universities around the world, they are demanding university divestment from the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, which includes cutting ties with companies supporting Israel’s crimes of apartheid, persecution, torture, and ethnic cleansing, among other atrocities. Observers say Ms. Braverman’s first mistake was attempting to bully or embarrass with backhand compliments the students, and her second was showing up with a live news camera.
“I think it’s great that you went to that [protest] camp and tried to talk to those students, and you embarrassed yourself while doing that. It was a reminder for me—and I’m sure for other people watching—that the Palestine movement brought you down, and has the potential to bring down lots of other Tory ministers and the whole Tory government, and not just the Tories either, but any mainstream political party that is backing what Israel is doing right now, which is a genocide,” said Ms. Lali, during the interview.
This young student’s shellacking of Braverman catapulted her as a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party to run for office in its general election as a candidate for Stratford and Bow (akin to the U.S. Democratic Party).

“We are running this campaign because the whole of the political establishment in Britain are completely out of touch on the question of Gaza and they’re completely out of touch with what workers and young people actually need in this country. We stand for healthcare and not bombs. We stand for education and not bombs, and investing in us. We have war criminals to bring down and a world to win,” stated Ms. Lali in an online video, dated May 29.
Despite Ms. Braverman’s nonstop chatter in defense of genocidal Israel, her ‘talking points’ line of questioning about rights to existence and defense, and her robotic insistence that the young leader state her view of Hamas, Ms. Lali, in a Muhammad Ali ‘rope-a-dope’ style, refused to allow any distractive questions and redirected the interview to the relevant issues. At the hands of warmongers and war criminals, said Ms. Ali, 40,000 people were killed, 100,000 injured, and millions displaced in Gaza.
“Israel does not have the right to do what it’s doing right now which is a genocide, which is the criminal enslavement, entrapping people inside of places and then saying you’ve got to move somewhere else; the ongoing invasion of Rafah…the displacement of millions of people,” stated Ms. Lali. “The reason you want to talk about Hamas is because you want to keep justifying sending more money to Israel,” but no money on education, national health services or pensions, said Ms. Lali.
She charged Ms. Braverman with being “entirely disingenuous” and emphasized that the students are doing what they can to stop the universities from providing money to Israel and its military, rather than investing in their education.
“Not just those students, but the majority of people in Britain want their country to stop supporting Israel, although Ms. Braverman has said it should send more,” continued Ms. Lali. For the record, she told Ms. Braverman, the encampments did not start as a result of the October 7 attack. But it’s about the 1948 Nakba, or The Catastrophe, through displacement of Palestinians by Zionists and Western imperialists 76 years ago when Israel became a state.
“The End of ‘Israel’”
Writes Brian E. Muhammad, Final Call Staff Writer, in his June 25, 2024, article “Israel had forewarning about the October 7 attacks”:
“Currently, despite outrage and the Zionist State becoming more isolated globally, there is no foreseeable end of the war [in Gaza] that slaughtered a disproportionate 37,000-plus Palestinians. To this day within Israel there has not been an accounting for what happened that night.”
Minister Farrakhan stated in his Saviours’ Day 2024 Address (“What Does Allah The Great Mahdi and The Great Messiah Have To Say About The War In The Middle East?”) that Israel now sees billions of dollars of oil wealth under Gaza and they want to build a canal larger than Egypt’s Suez Canal and take advantage of that wealth. And along with the land resource in Gaza is the long-held desire to annex several states, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan, to form a “Greater Israel.”
“Do you know about that? That man already has over 400 nuclear bombs sitting in the desert in Dimona, Israel, under where my Hebrew Israelite family stayed,” Minister Farrakhan told the capacity audience in Detroit during his February 25th message, referring to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.
“That’s a lot of weapons. And they, now, feel that they are the power in the Middle East, and they are,” stated Minister Farrakhan, explaining what Israel is ultimately after.
The reality is he received a Communication from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad forewarning of a second Nakba against the Palestinians, stated Minister Farrakhan.
While I was being quiet, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad did something. And I’ll start telling you about it now. In the middle of the night, I received a picture of the prime minister of Israel. A big picture! And he wanted me to study that man. Down in the corner of the picture … he was there with some of the members of his war cabinet—but I didn’t know what they were talking about or whatnot. So, a day passed, and He brought back the picture, but enlarged it that I could see the prime minister talking with members of his war cabinet. They had drinks in their hand, wine; they were toasting the Jews that live near Gaza who would die a few days later on October the 7th when Hamas broke through and a lot of killing started.
Mr. Netanyahu knew all about it. Listen to me good! I let the media in because I want you to hear it! He already knew what Hamas was going to do because he sanctioned it. I want you to pay me good attention! And they were proposing a toast to the Jews who lived outside of the walls of Gaza that separated the Gazans from the Israelis….They were toasting the innocence of Jews that on the 7th of October would be martyred. They were being martyred because he knew their plans, and he used their plans to help Hamas do what it did because he had in his mind a second Nakba.
Well, just a minute, Mr. Netanyahu. The Palestinians didn’t bother you. You were in Europe, and your own White brothers, the pope of Rome, looked the other way when the Jews were being slaughtered. Well then, none of them were Palestinians! So, you deserve reparations not in Palestine, you deserve it in Germany. So, you’re going to have to think about returning to Europe, because you’re not going to stay in the Middle East. You are not going to stay there.
Mr. Netanyahu, I watched you; I studied you, with the Guidance of God, and the plan that you had with Hamas: To let them do what they did. Because that would be your ticket to justify removing them from all of Gaza; then from the West Bank, then from East Jerusalem. And that’s why Netanyahu is going to continue fighting. There won’t be any truce or peace …
But Mr. Netanyahu, I warn you, in The Name of Allah. We warn you. These words were given to Belshazzar, the one that succeeded Nebuchadnezzar: “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” (“YOUR KINGDOM HAS BEEN WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE; IT HAS BEEN NUMBERED”). And it’s getting to the end of “Israel.”
Mr. Netanyahu: There is a revolt against him now in Israel, and he may not be elected as prime minister in the future. I am saying this to him now … Because you are not going to live to see the vision that you have for Israel, to “conquer the whole Middle East,” and you will be “the great [leader].” No, no, no. You can pack that desire away, because you will never see what you envision.
Bearing witness to the truth, these female warriors have taken a righteous stand against Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people, pointing out the contradictions of Zionist Israel and the governments of the United States, United Kingdom, and others. These powerful Sister Marys—Vicki Dillard, Candace Owens, Briahna Joy Gray and Fiona Lali—are emerging in defense of humanity, carrying the spirit of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan with strength, courage, integrity, intelligence and beauty, the many attributes of Maryam.