Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

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Interview With Bro. Dr. Ridgely Mu’min Muhammad

SERIES: Interviews with scholars of the Nation of Islam

Q: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us: “History is above all our studies the most attractive and best qualified to reward our research.” So what can the reader expect as a “reward” for reading The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, vol. 2 (TSRv2)?

Bro. Dr. Ridgely: Let me start out by quoting the Messenger when he says that a study of history “develops the springs and motives of human actions, and displays the consequence of circumstances which operates most powerfully on the destinies of the human being.” For instance, we can ask the question, Why were the so-called Jews so financially successful in America over the same time period that Blacks have remained at the bottom of the economic totem pole? Are they smarter or more hardworking? TSRv2 shows us that the so-called Jews were more cunning and could use Black people as the lightning rod for bigotry and hatred to keep the heat off them and be the friends and accomplices of the white gentiles as they worked together to deprive Black people of the right to do business in America as freed slaves. They helped set up the Black Codes, which did more than segregate lunch counters. These codes made it illegal for Blacks to even sell their commodities directly to the market. They had to always sell to the white and mostly Jewish merchants, who took our raw product and made fortunes while driving us more and more into debt. At the turn of the century, where fortunes were made in an expanding American economy, Blacks were relegated to sharecropping cotton for their white gentile and Jewish lords, who set up marketing and financial empires that stood through the 20th century, such as Lehman Brothers. Now the benefit, or reward, to the reader is that he or she has the truth about how we got where we are and how others got where they are so that we can stop being ashamed and start planning for our future, knowing not to trust a smiling face or a pat on the back but to look into the motives of feigned friendship—as pointed out by the Messenger in Point No. 9 of “What the Muslims Believe.”

Q: Taking into consideration The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Economic Blueprint, what are the practices of the so-called Jews in TSRv2 that can be used to further our economic development?

Bro. Dr. Ridgely: In the Economic Blueprint of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad he states: “Recognize the necessity for unity and group operations. Pool your resources physically as well as financially. Observe the operations of the white man. He is successful. He makes no excuses for his failures. He works together in a collective manner. You do the same.”

If we learn nothing else from reading The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, vol. 2, it is that the so-called Jews worked together and maintained ties and business relationships, not just in their local communities in the South and North but back in Europe from whence they came. They did not come to America without a plan and connections that allowed them to work their plan on a naive and disorganized mass of former slaves who did not know what hit them. A European Jew would come to America, be taught enough English and customs to go amongst Black people to peddle them goods supplied to him on consignment by his Jewish cousins in New York, while his family was taken care of in the Jewish “settlement houses” until the novice could get his feet wet, carve out a lucrative territory and support his family. Jews looked like they were working as individuals but they operated based on an economic tradition taught to them in their Talmudic schools, where Mammon, or “Making Money,” was their god instead of the Beneficent and Merciful God of Jesus.

Q: The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has stated that The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, vol. 2, is “a companion to Message To The Blackman.” Your comments?

Bro. Dr. Ridgely: From my perspective I can see how The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, vol. 2, bears witness to what the Messenger teaches us in Message To The Blackman. First of all a companion is defined as “a person employed to assist, live with or travel with another.” In that respect, TSRv2 is a great assistance to Message To The Blackman because it bears witness to the historical perspective given to The Hon. Elijah Muhammad by his teacher, Master Fard Muhammad. On one level no assistance should be necessary, because the Messenger’s teachings are right and exact. However, because the enemy has worked diligently to discredit the Messenger’s teaching by accusing his teacher of making these histories up, we are now required to get witnesses to bear witness to the Messenger’s teachings to help those weak of faith. Much of what the Messenger taught, you will not find written in text books given to the general public. So if we are relying on those sources, you can see how we could be misled by the enemy. However, TSRv2 proves that if you go deeper into the libraries and read what white academics are writing to be read by each other and not the general public, you will find quite striking evidence to confirm what the Messenger teaches us about those who distort the Bible and its meaning, for example. Because of those distortions the Bible must be “…reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it” (Point Number 3 of “What the Muslims Believe”).

For instance, the “Hamitic Curse”—which the so-called Jews, the Talmudic Jews, originated and taught to their gentile brethren so as to give them a Biblical justification for the enslavement of the African—is completely upended by the truth of the Messenger’s teachings of “Who is the Original Man.” The Black man was first, according to The Hon. Elijah Muhammad, and white people were extracted from the DNA of Black people—not the other way around as the “Hamitic Curse” would imply.

Another important aspect of TSRv2 is that it is written using Jewish sources. This means that it acts as a book written by the Jews’ own hands, fulfilling the prophecy that states that each nation will be given its own book in the Day of Judgment. The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan has really provided a mercy to the Jewish people by revealing what has been hidden and now allowing those who claim to be Jews to repent and remove themselves from the consequences of their misdeeds towards the “Real Children of Israel.” The Minister has offered an olive branch, not seeking revenge but seeking a dialogue by which the Jewish financial controllers of the wealth of our entertainers and sports figures will understand that they should let them go to use their wealth and influence to aid their own people.

Message To The Blackman lays out the Economic Blueprint that can move Black people to a new reality; while The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, vol. 2, shows how a similar blueprint was used by the so-called Jews to establish for themselves what The Hon. Elijah Muhammad called “the Jew’s civilization.” The Messenger taught Black people to pool their resources, support one another and do for self. The so-called Jews are the best example of that strategy. However, with the moral teaching of the Holy Qur’an, Black people can learn the lessons of Jewish economic success without taking on the satanic characteristics of tricknology and deceit used by Jews to get an advantage over others. So now we can take both books—Message To The Blackman and The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, vol. 2—into this battle of ideas to save both man and mankind from an impending clash.

Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad is the Student Minister of Agriculture of the Nation of Islam, a member of the NOI Research Group, a farmer and author of six books.

FaceBook: “Ridgely Mu’min”; Website: “”;  Email: [email protected].

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