Bloodsuckers in the Black Ghetto – 50 Years After the Kerner Commission
The Jewish Store Owners in Black Ghettos: A Long, Long History of Exploitation
Much comment is being made about the 50th Anniversary of the Kerner Commission Report. Officially, it was called The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders and was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in America’s inner cities. Jews are not mentioned as being a cause of the Black riots, but Jews are most assuredly discussed in the 426-page report in Chapter 8, where it refers to “ghetto merchants”:
Ghetto residents believe they are “exploited” by local merchants; and evidence substantiates some of these beliefs. A study conducted in one city by the Federal Trade Commission showed that distinctly higher prices were charged for goods sold in ghetto stores than in other areas.
Lack of knowledge regarding credit purchasing creates special pitfalls for the disadvantaged. In many states garnishment practices compound these difficulties by allowing creditors to deprive individuals of their wages without hearing or trial.
Jack Nusan Porter
The Honorable Minister Farrakhan made the VERY SAME assessment as the Kerner Commission’s evaluation of these exploitative inner city merchants and ACCURATELY referred to them as “bloodsuckers.” Jack Nusan Porter, a Jewish sociologist, identified these bloodsucking merchants as being primarily Jewish, in his article titled “Mr. Goldberg and John Henry: The Relationship Between Afro-Americans and American Jews“:
“The common stereotype of Jews owning the businesses in Black ghettos is based on solid evidence, not fantasy.Jews in the East and Midwest own a disproportionate number of businesses in Black areas. [Two Jewish researchers have shown] that some 40 percent of the stores are owned by Jews. [Another] study of 458 merchants in 15 cities (14 of the largest plus Gary, Indiana but not including Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, or any other Southern city) had the following religious breakdown of retail merchants: 37.9% were Jewish; 36.0% were Protestant; and 22.9% were Catholic… The breakdown by religion, when race is considered, increases the number: 51.3% of the white merchants are Jewish; 18.7% are Protestant; and 27.0% are Catholic.”
Frederick Law Olmsted
This economic rape of Black communities by mainly Jewish merchants and peddlers goes as far back as the slavery era and is detailed in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2. The noted writer Frederick Law Olmsted observed in 1856 that
“A swarm of Jews, within the last ten years, has settled in nearly every Southern town, many of them men of no character, opening cheap clothing and trinket shops; ruining, or driving out of business, many of the old retailers, and engaging in an unlawful trade with simple negroes, which is found very profitable.”
After the alleged “emancipation” of Black slaves in 1863, the economic exploitation nonetheless remained the same. Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a keen observer of 19th-century Russian society, where Russian peasantry had very much the same relationship with their Jewish merchant class as Blacks had with them in the American South. His 1877 indictment was biting indeed:
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“[T]hey have already leaped en masse upon the millions of liberated Negroes, and have already taken a grip upon them in their, the Jews’, own way, by means of their [everlasting] ‘gold pursuit’ and by taking advantage of the inexperience and vices of the exploited tribe….The Negroes have now been liberated from the slave-owners[, but] they will not last because the Jews…will jump at this new little victim….The Negroes are a treasure for the Jews.”
Mark Twain, the iconic chronicler of Deep Southern culture, concurred. As he saw it:
Mark Twain
“In the Cotton States, after the war, the simple and ignorant Negroes made the crops for the white planter on shares. The Jew came down in force, set up shop on the plantation, supplied all the Negro’s wants on credit, and at the end of the season was proprietor of the Negro’s share of the present crop and of part of the share of his next one. Before long, the whites detested the Jew, and it is doubtful if the Negro loved him.”
In his book The Souls of Black Folk, Black scholar W.E.B. Du Bois wrote of this Jewish exploitation. He observed that Jews had so dominated the post-slavery economy that he concluded harshly that “The Jew is the heir of the slave-baron.” Think about that.
As Blacks migrated to the inner cities to find jobs, Jewish merchants shadowed them. In 1895, a reporter for the New York Daily Tribune observed a scene in the “Negro quarter” of New York City where “the Hebrews across the street stand out in front of their shops and impress the [c]heapness of their goods upon everybody within earshot.” In Harlem, Blumstein’s department store had nothing but Black customers but refused to hire Blacks in anything but menial jobs from the time it opened in 1896 until Black public protests forced a change in 1930.
The Atlantic magazine’s Jewish editor Jeffrey Goldberg just acknowledged his people’s hateful history:
“Often in the New South, success of Jewish merchants depended upon winning Black trade. Jewish merchants appeared more courteous…than fellow white merchants. Blacks were often the victims of sales pressure when Jews refused to accept no-sale for an answer.” The process known as ‘Jewing Down’ is when the Black customer was fooled into thinking he was negotiating a better price. It concluded when “Jewish merchant received his desired price and the naïve Black went away with the over-priced goods.”
James Baldwin remembered the Jewish merchants: “[A]ll of them were exploiting us, and that was why we hated them.” At the end of each business day, Jews would close up shop and Blacks would watch them leave the neighborhood with their money.
Highly successful Jewish retailers, like Stein Mart based in Greenville, Mississippi, practiced Jim Crow exclusion even after the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, Jewish department stores had become so well known for their racist policies against their own Black customers that the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King and civil rights activists often targeted them with their protests.
James Baldwin
The Kerner Report was thoroughly ignored by the very government that commissioned it, and a succession of immigrants have followed the exploitative Jewish model for their own enrichment. The Koreans are the latest with 9,000 Korean-owned beauty supply stores alone syphoning the bulk of the billion-dollar Black hair care industry. And because these revenue streams have been so lucrative for Jews and their immigrant followers, they have worked tirelessly to destroy any Black leader that advocates that Blacks follow their self-help model. Those leaders that would disrupt that revenue flow [aka blood sucking] are known to Jews as “Black Hitlers” and “anti-Semites.”
In the end, the lofty recommendations of the Kerner Commission for Black uplift will never be enacted until Blacks themselves take charge and follow The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in his call to “Make Our Own Communities Safe and Decent Places to Live.”