The Black-Jewish Relationship Must Change, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Minister Farrakhan speaks at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland on September 26, 1985. You may also like The War of Armageddon, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan History of the Jewish Attack on Minister FARRAKHAN The Dope Busters Minister Louis Farrakhan handles the Donahue audience! How To Eat To Live, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Minister Farrakhan speaks to white students at UPENN, 1988 Min. Farrakhan: How the Jewish Talmud Depicts Jesus Allah Makes Rulers, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Jews Demand Farrakhan Denounce The Secret Relationship Zionists Do Lie, What I Mean by Practicing a “Dirty Religion” Minister Farrakhan Speaks in Gabon, Africa, May 27, 1993 Farrakhan: Jews Are Anti-Black Elie Wiesel’s ‘Zone of Hate’ Scholars Reveal the Jewish Role in the Slave Trade Farrakhan on Jews and the Black Holocaust Harry Belafonte talks about his last time with Martin Luther King and King’s fear that our people are integrating into a burning house. ADL Exposes Itself: Documentary Shows “Anti-Semitism” HOAX Min. Farrakhan on The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews 1234»Page 1 of 4