Jewish Attack on Marc Lamont Hill Exposes Israel’s Targeting of Black Youth
Jewish History of Repression of Black Leaders over Palestine is a Long One
The recent Jewish attack on one of our greatest scholars, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill of Temple University, provides almost perfect proof of the intellectual battery against Black leadership that is the pernicious reality they call “Black–Jewish relations.” Dr. Hill elucidated for a United Nations forum the plight of the Palestinian people in the most clear and direct terms. In fact, anyone who heard Bro. Dr. Hill’s 20-minute exegesis would be impressed that he was the very epitome of the Holy Quran’s clear guidance in Sura 16:125: “Call to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in the best manner.”
With both passion and precision, Dr. Hill relayed a most distressing indictment of the Israeli occupation:
For Gazans, the eleven-year Israeli and Egyptian blockade by land, air, and sea has created the largest open-air prison in the world. With only four percent potable water, electricity access that is limited to four hours per day, fifty percent unemployment, and the looming threat of Israeli bombs, Gaza continues to constitute one of the most pressing humanitarian crises of the current moment…. As an American, I am embarrassed that my tax dollars contribute to this reality.
Dr. Hill continued to make a compelling case for the world’s attention to the matter, but it is when he connected the Palestinian struggle to that of the Black youth of the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) that Jews determined he must be put down. In August of 2016 BLM published its official platform, which declared Israel to be “an apartheid state with over 50 laws on the books that sanction discrimination against the Palestinian people.” It charges the Israeli government with “genocide” against the Palestinian people, and endorses the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. It is a very strong document that does not suffer the milquetoast mindset of the negroes in political leadership.
Within a few weeks, two Israeli officials attending a conference of the powerful lobbying group Israel American Council (IAC) were secretly filmed revealing Israel’s anger over Black youth in America. To a room “packed with Israeli diplomats,” Judith Varnai Shorer, the Israeli consul general in Atlanta, Georgia, said this:
“The major problem with Israel is with the young generation of the black community — Black Lives Matter starts there…”
The San Francisco consul for Israel, Andy David, followed that remarkable proclamation by revealing that he had personally recruited a former acquaintance of Martin Luther King Jr. as an Israeli asset. “Because of that relationship,” said David, “he published three articles in the Huffington Post explaining why their [BLM’s] agenda was hijacked.” Watch the entire film here.
So, when Dr. Hill connected Michael Brown’s murder by police in Ferguson, Missouri—the 2014 incident that initiated Black Lives Matter—with the Palestinian lives martyred, it directly sabotaged the clandestine plans the Israelis had developed for “the young generation of the black community” in America. Dr. Hill said:
One motivation for my hope in the liberation and ultimate self-determination of the Palestinian people comes in August of 2014. Black Americans were in Ferguson, Missouri, in the Midwest of the United States protesting the death of a young man named Michael Brown, an unarmed African American male who had been killed by a law enforcement agent. And as we protested, I saw two things that provided hope for the Palestinian struggle. One was that for the first time in my entire life of activism, I saw a sea of Palestinian people. I saw a sea of Palestinian flags in the crowd saying that we must form a solidarity project. We must struggle together in order to resist, because state violence in the United States and state violence in Brazil and state violence in Syria and state violence in Egypt and state violence in South Africa and state violence in Palestine are all of the same sort. And we finally understood that we must work together and not turn on each other but instead turn to each other.
But Hill went further:
And later that night, when the police began to tear-gas us, Mariam Barghouti tweeted us from Ramallah. She, along with other Palestinian youth activists, told us that the tear gas that we were experiencing was only temporary. They gave us tips for how to wash our eyes out. They told us how to make gas masks out of t-shirts. They gave us permission to think and dream beyond our local conditions by giving us a transnational or a global solidarity project. And from those tweets and social media messages, we began then to organize together. We brought a delegation of black activists to Palestine, and we saw the connections between the police in New York City, who are being trained by Israeli soldiers, and the type of policing we were experiencing in New York City. We began to see relationships of resistance, and we began to build and struggle and organize together. That spirit of solidarity—a solidarity that is bound up not just in ideology but in action—is the way out. So, as we stand here on the seventieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the tragic commemoration of the Nakba, we have an opportunity to not just offer solidarity in words but to commit to political action, grassroots action, local action, and international action that will give us what justice requires. And that is a free Palestine from the river to the sea. Thank you for your time.
The training of U.S. inner-city police departments in the brutal and dehumanizing anti-Palestinian tactics of the Israeli military is the ultimate plan for the violent subduing and mass incarceration of a rising Black America. In fact, it is Israel’s number 1 export to Black America. This operation has been the function of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, that gaggle of spies that has labeled every living Black man and woman “anti-Semitic.” According to its website, the ADL actually pays top “law enforcement executives” to travel to Israel “to learn how Israel’s police, intelligence, and security forces prevent terror attacks.” They now claim to have helped train “more than 90,000 law enforcement professionals.”

Hearing Dr. Hill’s words at the United Nations—which directly identified the police in both nations as the arm of the oppressor—meant that Hill had to join Farrakhan near the top of the list of Black voices that at all costs must be silenced.
Jewish Attacks on Blacks Who Dare to Address Israel
The history of Jewish attempts at silencing Blacks is long indeed, and usually successful. We have previously exposed the Jewish role in the muzzling of W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey. That was followed by the ADL’s 1942 infiltration of the Nation of Islam’s Chicago mosque that generated the unjustified arrests of 82 innocent Muslims. All of the forenamed had offended in some way the Jewish plan for their “negro property” in America.
But then, as The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad described, “America and England deposited their little brother, Israel, on foreign soil, Palestine, which is Arab land. They deprived the Arabs of their own land and sent them into exile.” It is called the Nakba, the Great Catastrophe of May 1948, and Blacks quickly found out that Jews would not accept ANY criticism for their wicked, gangster actions.
At that time the Black diplomat Ralph Bunche served at the United Nations to help address the 1948 catastrophe. He traveled to the Middle East as the chief aide to Sweden’s Count Folke Bernadotte, who had been appointed by the U.N. to mediate the conflict. But Bernadotte was murdered—not by “Arab terrorists” but by Jewish terrorists, led by the future Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir. Most assuredly, Ralph Bunche got the message.

Black California Congressman Ron Dellums had to devote four anguished pages of his autobiography to events surrounding a single vote in Congress in 1973 in which he intended to oppose further military aid to Israel:

“The night before the vote, I talked to my family about what would occur the next day. I explained to my kids that I was going to cast a vote that would probably mean that we would be leaving Washington, D.C., to go back home to Berkeley, that voting against the arms aid bill would probably cause enough people to vote against my reelection that I would lose.”
There are no Jewish congresspersons, one can be assured, who are holding family meetings about career-ending votes or about the need to leave town because of their votes on funds for American inner cities or investment in Africa. For his Black intransigence Dellums found himself on the ADL’s list of spy targets.
In 1977, President Jimmy Carter appointed Martin Luther King protégé Andrew Young to be the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Just two years later, Jews mercilessly assailed Young after the Israeli Mossad bugged his meeting with a Palestinian Liberation Organization representative. He, like Ralph Bunche and Dr. Hill, was attempting to resolve the Middle East conflict and bring peace to the region. The Jews forced Pres. Jimmy Carter to punish Young, who left bitterly unrepentant: “I really don’t feel a bit sorry for anything that I have done.”

Civil rights activist Julian Bond read a statement by 230 outraged Black leaders that included psychologist Kenneth Clark, Mayor Richard Hatcher (Gary, Ind.), Rev. Hosea Williams (SCLC-Atlanta), Rev. Joseph Lowery (SCLC), Rev. Benjamin Hooks (NAACP), Rev. Jesse Jackson (PUSH), and Vernon Jordan (NUL):
“[I]t is a fact that within the past 10 years some Jewish organizations and intellectuals who were previously identified with the aspirations of Black Americans…became apologists for the racial status quo…. Powerful organizations within the Jewish community opposed the interest of the Black community in the [affirmative action] cases up to the United States Supreme Court…”

The ADL’s Nathan Perlmutter called the statement “half-truths, untruths, and anti-Semitic nonsense.” Blacks didn’t stop there. They got on a plane, flew to the Middle East for a 12-day tour, and met with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (the PLO!). They even awarded the “Martin Luther King Medal” to the hated Libyan freedom-fighter Muammar Gadhafi. Years later the former Pres. Carter wrote a book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, saying that Israel “perpetrates even worse instances of apartheid, than we witnessed even in South Africa.”

In 1983, a group of hate-filled Jews calling themselves Jews Against Jackson launched a series of vicious attacks on Black presidential candidate Jesse L. Jackson. They placed an ad in the New York Times protesting Jackson’s stance on Palestinian rights. The ad said, “Ruin Jesse, Ruin,” in mockery of his campaign slogan “Run, Jesse, Run.” “JESSE JACKSON IS NO GOOD FOR JEWS, FOR ISRAEL OR FOR AMERICA. STOP HIM. RUIN JESSE, NOW.” Min. Louis Farrakhan got right to the root of the matter:
“Now, that nation called Israel never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”
The effects of that laser-guided epistle are still being felt. In 2002, anti-Apartheid fighter Bishop Desmond Tutu sounded very much like Dr. Hill in 2018:

“I’ve been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa. I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers prevented us from moving about….I have experienced Palestinians pointing to what were their homes, now occupied by Jewish Israelis.…Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation? Have they forgotten the collective punishment, the home demolitions, in their own history so soon?”
Similarly, in 1990, a mere 16 days from his release from prison, Nelson Mandela met with PLO leader Yasser Arafat, saying: “I believe that there are many similarities between our struggle and that of the PLO.” He went on to say, “We live under a unique form of colonialism in South Africa, as well as in Israel.” He wrote that “Palestinians are not struggling for a ‘state’ but for freedom, liberation and equality, just like we were struggling for freedom in South Africa.”
Two of Black America’s greatest writers, Alice Walker and Toni Morrison, have both run afoul of the Jewish overseers. Walker considers Israel to be
“the greatest terrorist in that part of the world. And I think in general, the United States and Israel are great terrorist organizations themselves….When you terrorize people, when you make them so afraid of you that they are just mentally and psychologically wounded for life—that’s terrorism.”
Toni Morrison has identified Israel’s “long-term military, economic and geographic practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation,” and cited Israel’s “illegal military occupation of the West Bank and the systematic appropriation of its natural resources—most particularly that of water.”

The first Black president Barack Obama left office in 2016 pilloried with the Black Hitler label for not bowing deep enough to Jewish demands. When French President Nicolas Sarkozy said to him, “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar,” Mr. Obama according to the UK Telegraph replied, “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day.”
Marc Lamont Hill should be thankful that CNN’s Jewish head Jeff Zucker dropped him—it only adds to Hill’s prestige and credibility. CNN’s role as a mouthpiece and cheerleader for U.S. militarism around the globe has long ago disqualified it as a serious news agency. By his bold United Nations stance Dr. Hill has become a worldwide recognized champion of human rights and a powerful voice for the unity of the oppressed. He has added himself to a mighty Black legacy of daring spokespeople aiding those caught under the feet of England, America, and “America’s little brother,” the demonic state of Israel. He has brought awareness of the Palestinian struggle to a whole new generation. And he is just getting started.