Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith


Jet Magazine on the 1963 Christmas Boycott

There are ghetto children, comedian Dick Gregory cracks, who don’t believe in Santa Claus because they think no white man will dare come into their neighborhood after dark. The red-suited, bewhiskered old man may soon be the butt of some more barbs this year, but they won’t be funny. On the eve of Christmas, 1963, will keyholes at Negroes’ homes be stuffed with lead to keep out the jolly old gentleman? Will chimneys be filled to the brim with cement? Will fires be left burning in fireplaces to make it too hot for Santa to land? Will Negroes boycott Santa this Christmas?

The answers, and the method and scope of a boycott depends upon which leadership opinion prevails, or if leaders can agree on the matter. READ MORE HERE:


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