Hip Hop Artists Break ADL Stranglehold: Embrace Farrakhan’s Call for #JUSTICE, OR ELSE
NOI Research Group
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith has launched its long-expected attack on Black youth and Hip Hop culture. A communiqué by its pompous and pretentious leader Abraham Foxman provides a marvelous confirmation of the potential power and effectiveness of our brilliant artists and their commitment to freedom, justice, and equality for their people.
Jewish arrogance is spectacular. The ADL points with disdain to the massive gathering of those seeking a true justice, planned for Washington DC on October 10, 2015, the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. The Jewish leader decries the fact that “Louis Farrakhan has received support from well-known rap artists and others, who are helping bring Farrakhan’s message to a broader audience.”
Why is the white Jewish head of the ADL, Abraham Foxman, with his $688,280 annual salary and $50 million budget, concerned about Black rappers? Because everything The Minister has told our youth about their potential power and influence is 100 percent truth.
Since its founding 102 years ago, the ADL has served as an extension of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, which sought to “neutralize” every Black leader and organization. Hoover’s notorious COINTELPRO operation declared the peace-loving Dr. Martin Luther King to be the “most dangerous Negro leader” and worked tirelessly to destroy his work. And when the US government restrained some of the FBI abuses, the ADL stepped in to pick up the slack. In 1993, the ADL was caught in a series of covert activities, including espionage, illegal surveillance, theft, and selling classified information to the most racist nation on earth and Israel’s closest friend—the apartheid government of South Africa.
The list of the ADL’s victims includes the NAACP, the Nation of Islam, the ACLU, Greenpeace, the United Farm Workers, and several Black elected officials. Nation of Islam researchers uncovered hidden ADL documents that showed it to be spying on the Nation of Islam as far back as 1942. The ADL is found congratulating itself because “a Negro employed by us” proved “quite instrumental” in an FBI raid on the Chicago mosque resulting in 82 arrests. And they did this treacherous act even though they admitted in yet another hidden memo that “We have no documentable evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of the Temples of Islam movement or Elijah Muhammad.” (Source: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 2)
So if “anti-Semitism” is not the REAL issue behind the ADL’s constant attacks, why have they targeted young artists who have stood up in support of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?

The answer is in our wallets. Just look at what the ADL complained about:
Instagram and Twitter posts from rap artists posing with Farrakhan or promoting his recent visits have reached a combined 10.9 million followers so far, and many more people through reposts and retweets….Some rap artists who have posted messages promoting Farrakhan or the Million Man March anniversary include Rick Ross (3.2 million Instagram followers), The Game (3.1 Million Instagram followers), Birdman (1.6 million Instagram followers), 2 Chainz (1.5 million followers), Young Thug (1.3 million Instagram followers), and Scarface (227,000 Twitter followers).

And they missed Kanye West, Dame Dash, Jay Electronica, Flex Alexander, Daphne Wayans, Dondre Whitfield, Killer Mike, Big K.R.I.T., Big Boi, Ice Cube, Sway, Ezzy, Lil Bibby, Palo Mula, Bone Crusher, Kaleena Harper, Sa-Roc, CeeLo Green, Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, Chuck D., Russell Simmons, and many, many other artists, entertainers, and Hip Hop notables. Their combined fans, followers, and friends add another 20 million to the ADL’s count.
The ADL is upset because Farrakhan represents an end to the iron grip that Jewish businessmen have on our most popular and talented Black artists. In his book Hip Hop America, Nelson George names 17 “handsomely rewarded” individuals as among those who control the Black rap artists. He writes, “Interestingly, the majority of these men and women were Jews…” Jewish writer Seth Gitell agreed, and admitted that Jews worked as producers, marketers, and attorneys. He wrote that as rap “focused more and more on violence…Jews remained involved.”
The most famous and influential rap group of all time is Public Enemy, which found themselves almost having to hold their business meetings in a synagogue. P.E.’s business managers, tour managers, publicists, lawyers were ALL Jewish.
This exploitative state of affairs still exists today, with white Jews with no discernable artistic talent running the Hip Hop plantation while our masterful Black poets, musicians, artists and dancers generate ALL the revenues. And this leads to the kind of delirium expressed by the Jewish former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers Donald Tokowitz Sterling, who famously told his Black mistress what he thought about the Black players:

“I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? Do I know that I have—Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners, that created the league?”
Just as with sports, not a single one of the 21 million fans and followers of the rappers are following these brilliant and talented Black celebrities because of their Jewish managers, agents, distributors and hangers-on—and this is frightening to a fat and wealthy gang of exploiters who sense that their slaves have been secretly visited by Harriet Tubman.
Bro. Kanye West ran head-on into this Jewish business power in his attempt to diversify and penetrate the clothing and apparel business. It earned Kanye a vicious public attack by none other than Abraham Foxman, who called him an “anti-Semite.”
And there is more that proves that the ADL attack on the Black Hip Hop world is a blessed sign that their standing with The Minister is a truly righteous bond.
1400 years ago the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sought to unite the warring tribes into a force of righteousness. The Arab youth wanted to form a true brotherhood, but the ADL of that time—a Jewish tribe called the Banu Nadir—was dead set against it. This tribe controlled the commerce in the Middle East and made huge profits selling destructive products to the Arabs—like liquor, weapons, slaves, and gambling. To the Jews, the rise of Prophet Muhammad meant a loss of those lucrative revenue streams. So when they saw a budding unity among the Arabs, it alarmed them greatly. According to historians, the Jews went to the Arabs with the explicit mission to reignite the old angers and instigate past rivalries. The Jews actually hired poets to attack the newfound Arab unity.

The Prophet counteracted this Jewish COINTELPRO through his building a bond with the poets and artists who believed like him that unity among the Arabs was more powerful than any other force. He overcame this Banu Nadir Jewish treachery and went on to establish a civilization throughout that region unmatched in world history.
Sound familiar? All of this exists today. The ADL squawks about what they are against—but what are they for? Blacks suffer devastating conditions in their communities, yet we hear nothing of substance from the Jewish leadership. Have they shown up with an answer to the gang violence, the mass incarcerations, the police brutality, the unemployment, and the lack of education opportunities? Or are they the source of all those maladies—as they were in the time of The Prophet?
Our Minister says “Justice Or Else!” and he has forged a strong unity among our beautiful and strong Black youth where only hatreds and rivalries had existed. Songwriter and producer Sean Johnson, who is better known in the industry as “Joe Blow,” spoke for many when he told the Final Call that “Min. Farrakhan is saying a lot of things younger artists need to hear….We got the power way more now than before. You have a platform—use it,” he said. “It’s time for young brothers to wake up and put a message in the music.”
Young Thug added that The Minister’s message was “so simple, so honest, so plain….The negativity I was thinking about doing I’m not going to do.”
So who could be AGAINST that? It seems as though Abraham Foxman is—but WHY?!
JOIN The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Hip Hop Nation of Artists, Rappers, Entertainers on October 10, 2015 in Washington DC — JUSTICE, OR ELSE!
(Visit the Nation of Islam Research Group online at https://noirg.org and join the conversation on FaceBook.com/NOIResearch and Twitter @NOIResearch.)
(Photos: Final Call Newspaper)
Learn more about the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) at the Nation of Islam’s MINISTRY OF JUSTICE PRESENTS: “OVERCOMING THE OPPOSITION OF THE ENEMY,” a Saviours’ Day 2018 workshop to be held February 24, 2018, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, in Chicago, IL.