Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

ArticlesBlacks and JewsHistoryJim CrowRace Relations

Did Jews help in the formation of the Ku Klux Klan? Yes.

Early Gentile leaders of the Tennessee-born Klan sailed all the way to England to seek investment from an exiled Confederate Jewish banker named Judah P. Benjamin. He had been so effective in arranging Jewish financing of the Southern slave holders’ war against President Lincoln and Black freedom that they put his Jewish face on their 2-dollar bill! When the North prevailed Benjamin lost his Louisiana plantation and the 140 Blacks he enslaved, and he, like most Southern Whites, saw the Klan as a way to reestablish the highly profitable slave system.

White people knew that if Blacks had the chance they would abandon the cotton fields, seek the long-denied education, and quickly become everything from doctors, lawyers, and engineers, to shippers, builders, teachers, bankers, and anything else they may have aspired to. They were already the master tradesmen and skilled artisans and performed ALL of the manual labor. It did not take a mathematician to calculate that the cotton-based world economy would collapse in short order if no one was picking cotton anymore. ALL White people saw their utter demise in this Black freedom experiment. And Jews, who had become mega-millionaires in the international cotton trade, actually had the most to lose financially from the ending of Black slavery!

As a consequence Jews actually became members and supporters of the Klan, and there are many documented instances where Jewish merchants supplied the guns, sheets, and hoods for the terror raids on Blacks who exhibited any of the behavior of a free people. The KKK attacked schools and Black businesses and murdered Black voters; they attacked Whites who merely talked of helping Blacks or who might sell them land—all to drive freed Blacks back to the cotton fields. When wanton lynchings, torture, and massacres occurred in America, Jewish people often praised these outrages, and some in the Jewish press actually cheered them on. Southern Jews talked about the “necessity” of “exterminating” Black people; rabbis defended the Klan from their pulpits; and Jewish lawyers handled their legal issues. And this is only the start. There is much, much more fully documented historical Jewish hate that awaits the readers of these books.

Once upon a time, Jews readily called public attention to their KKK connection. The Jewish Tribune newspaper actually printed an article titled “Jews in the Ku Klux Klan,” in which the Jewish author insisted that Jews were an important part of the KKK terror legacy. The author was public relations director for Foxman and Nasatir’s own parent organization, the B’nai B’rith! He boasted that Jews have had “a considerably more important hand [in the KKK] than Jews know about…”


For more on this topic see the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. Download the free guide by clicking here.

To purchase the series click here.


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