The Black-Jewish Relationship Must Change, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Minister Farrakhan speaks at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland on September 26, 1985. You may also like Let There Be Light, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, 1983 Min. Louis Farrakhan on Meet The Press, April 13, 1997 The Racial Lies of Leo Frank Min. Farrakhan Teaches Mossad Media Plant About Master Fard Muhammad Minister Louis Farrakhan handles the Donahue audience! Farrakhan Speaks On The Jews And The Wicked Media Harry Belafonte talks about his last time with Martin Luther King and King’s fear that our people are integrating into a burning house. Min. Farrakhan Explains Cotton & Slavery 1:50:00 911 & The Nation of Islam The Proper Use of Language, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan The Dope Busters 22:00 The Voice of the Jews of America — Threats of Violence Scholars Reveal the Jewish Role in the Slave Trade The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews is NOT HATE American Apartheid: Racism in Real Estate Policy Dr. Keith Cheng finds that whites are MUTANTS of the human race “Anti-semitic”: It’s a trick, we always use it Who REALLY Hurt Rev. Jackson? 12345»Page 1 of 5