Scholar Backs Farrakhan on 9/11
In 2016, the Nation of Islam Research Group asked the distinguished scholar Dr. James Fetzer to respond to the ADL’s attack on The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Dr. Fetzer is a former U.S. Marine, professor, and founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
Note: View Dr. Fetzer’s excellent analysis of the recent False Flag “chemical attack” in Syria. He provides a cascade of damning facts about the event and comments on the Trump administration’s internal conflicts (Dr. Fetzer starts at 3:04).
Dr. Fetzer, Is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan accurately reflecting the doubts many have about 9/11? He said:
“I watched in horror that morning seeing planes fly into the Twin Towers; and afterwards, I saw the Twin Towers fall down—like a building imploding (fell right down in its own tracks). But nothing happened to Building 7 until that evening! And then Building 7 went down (40 stories high). All three Buildings went….But there were those on the scene who heard explosions! … Twenty-nine hundred (2,900) people from different parts of the world lost their lives—policemen lost their lives, firemen lost their lives, EMT[s] lost their lives; and many people died afterward just from inhaling the dust….and George Bush was in Florida in a school, reading a book to babies.”

Q: Did Muslims commit the 9/11 crime?
Q: Dr. Fetzer, What is the best evidence you can present that ties the Israelis directly to the 9/11 incident?
A: In “The Real Deal Ep #103 9/11: Who was responsible and why” with Denni Cimino, we present proof of Israeli and Zionist involvement from the security at the airports to the World Trade Center and the role of ICTS, Urban Moving Systems, Odigo Messaging Service, The New York Port Authority and many others involved in setting the 9/11 stage and carrying it out.
Q: Has your research uncovered any evidence of foreknowledge by anyone of the 9/11 incident?
Q: Is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan accurately presenting the facts when he said:
[Paul] Wolfowitz had 10 years, now, to plan how they’re gonna clean out The Middle East and take over those Muslim nations. They needed another “Pearl Harbor”: They needed some event, that was cataclysmic, that would make the American people “Rise Up!” ready for war. So they plotted, for 10 years—this “Project For A New America Century”: [They] tried to put it in the Clinton Administration. [Bill] Clinton refused. But George W. Bush was agreeable. In those 10 years, they plotted a false-flag operation…
Q: What is the motive of the 9/11 perpetrators?
Q: What are the implications, from your perspective, if the American/world public comes to believe that Israel was involved (planned and carried out) the 9/11 attacks?
A: Americans are very gullible and believe what they are told by the government and the mass media. Israel possesses a massive stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, which are undeclared. US guidelines preclude sending foreign aid to a nation with undeclared WMDs. The realization that Israel nuked the US on 9/11 might bring about a change in the public’s attitude and diminish our unqualified support for Israel.
Q: Dr. Fetzer, The ADL has been particularly vicious in labeling “anti-Semites” all those who press for answers—including yourself and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. What is their motive and how do you see the ADL’s role in this 9/11 tragedy?
A: The ADL has been doing its best to abuse its position by attacking those of us who are doing what we can to bring the truth to the American people and to the world more generally. I was among four “Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists” the ADL attacked. Ironically, the passages cited from my article, “Is 9/11 research ‘anti-Semitic’?”, demonstrated that there was nothing anti-Semitic about 9/11 research.
Thank you.
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