ADL Book Promotes Jewish Slave Traders
ADL book calls notorious slaving firm “kindly”
A 1976 ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE pamphlet, titled American Jews: Their Story, lists 10 pioneers of the American Jewish community who have been definitively linked to the Black slave trade! “These well-to-do men were highly respected by their neighbors and proud of their religious heritage,” states the pamphlet (p. 15).
Nowhere in the booklet does the author, Oscar Handlin, mention slavery; he instead alludes to it in this way (p. 14): “The products of the plantations and the farms had to find markets” and so these Jews “performed these services.”
Prominent American Jews such as Aaron Lopez, Moses Lindo, and the Franks family are heralded in the booklet as the pioneers of trade (p. 14) and all have been exposed in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One, as slave dealers. Below are several of the advertisements they placed in newspapers for the sale of Black human beings. The ads have been collected in the new and updated book JEWS SELLING BLACKS: SLAVE SALE ADVERTISING OF AMERICAN JEWS:
Aaron Lopez (pp. 15-16), a Newport merchant, owned at least 26 ships and recorded at least 13 voyages to Africa to purchase Black slaves.
Moses Lindo (p. 15) of South Carolina imported 49 slaves from Barbados and owned a slave ship named Lindo Packett. He was largely responsible for the growth of the indigo industry and according to Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus (who is cited as a source by the ADL) he lived to see the industry “employ 10,000 slaves.” Here, Lindo teams with fellow Jewish slave trader Jacob Soria in 1843 to advertise their sales of “Negroes and Horses”:
Philadelphia’s Franks family (p. 14) were merchants in the “Indian trade” and major suppliers of weapons to the colonists in the destruction of Indians. It is believed that Levy Andrew Levy was an agent of Franks when he participated in giving smallpox-infected blankets to the Indians.
The ADL pamphlet takes the extraordinary step of referring to the major slave-dealing (and Jewish-majority owned) Dutch West India Company as “kindly.”
Also listed is Louisiana plantation owner Judah P. Benjamin, the largest Jewish slaveholder in American history and who was recorded to have enslaved 140 African men, women, and children. When the KKK needed start-up money, Benjamin acted as their “Go-Fund-Me” and financed the terrorists. The ADL booklet mentions rather proudly that he was “a leading member of the legal profession” and an “eloquent spokesman for the Southern cause.”
The book mentions that Haym M. Solomon “supported financially” the new U.S. government, but the ADL ignores the 10-year-old Black child named “Anna” Solomon held in slavery.
On page 17 the ADL remembers Francis Salvador as a “prominent patriot” but wants us to forget that he owned a 7,000-acre indigo plantation with “at least thirty slaves.” In 1776, “Salvador was shot and falling among the bushes was discovered by the Indians and scalped.”

The ADL (p. 17) calls Mordecai Sheftall (1735-1795) “an outstanding fighter in the Revolutionary forces” alongside a painting of him, but they don’t mention that Sheftall enslaved at least nine Blacks to work his 1000-acre plantation. Three of those laborers he named “Joe,” “Anthony,” and “Phillis.”
Benjamin Nones, the ADL says, “served valiantly” in the Revolutionary War but just a few years later Nones was selling a “healthy Irish Servant Girl who has near 4 years to serve.”
The ADL says that Rabbi Isaac M. Wise “contributed to Judaism a strong orientation toward the American scene and American ideas.” But they don’t quote Rabbi Wise, who it must be noted is the founder of Reform Judaism. He viewed Blacks as “representing all that is debased and inferior in the hopeless barbarity and heathenism of six thousand years.” He defended slavery, considered the abolitionists to be “fanatics,” “demagogues,” “demons of hatred and destruction,” and “habitual revolutionaries, who feed on excitement and delight in civil wars…”
The ADL does mention Baltimore rabbi David Einhorn as “a vigorous opponent of slavery.” But they ignore the fact that Einhorn nearly paid for this view with his life—not via threats from slave-owning white Gentiles. HIS OWN JEWISH CONGREGATION forced him and his family to flee Baltimore in the night.
The question is no longer whether Jews were involved in slavery, but rather “which American Jewish colonists WERE NOT slaveowners or dealers?” The ADL’s role is to conceal the role of Jews in Black slavery and oppression. But that is impossible today. For more on this topic see the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. Download the free guide by clicking here.
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