1992: “Black Worker at the ADL Charges League with Racism”
(Note: The following is a summary of New York Amsterdam News writer Herb Boyd’s 20 June 1992 article. It exposes the ADL’s promotion of racist “entertainment” in the form of blackface minstrelsy, which was popularized by Jewish performers who mocked Blacks to the enjoyment of their Jewish audiences. Racist Jewish entertainers like George Burns and Al Jolson (in photo) became wealthy promoting racist stereotypes to the world on stage and in film. Michael Alexander, writing in his book Jazz Age Jews, asserts clearly: “Jews performed this kind of minstrelsy in the 1910s and 1920s better and more often than any other group in America. Jewish faces covered in [burnt] cork were ubiquitous.”)
A Black woman employed as a fundraiser at the New York office of the Anti-Defamation League witnessed a minstrel show at the “ADL Fashion Accessories Torch of Liberty” ceremonies in November of 1991. Cheryl Hamilton told the Amsterdam News that she was “shocked” when “blue-eyed teenagers were suddenly transformed into Black-faced modern minstrels. Then to add insult to injury, they passed out white gloves to members of the audience.” “I refused to take one and admonished the waiter, ‘Don’t you know this is a minstrel show?’ I asked him. ‘So what?’ he replied.”
Hamilton first reported the story to the New York Post, which, after consultations with the ADL, squashed the story. She was unafraid of the consequences of making the story public: “I believe in speaking my mind and doing the right thing.”
The front-page Amsterdam News article continued: “A black female employee at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) accused the organization of being racially insensitive and overzealous in its pursuit of anti-Semitic behavior.
“Hamilton, 31, has been employed at ADL as a temporary secretary for six months and reports hearing all sorts of racist remarks and innuendos from the white employees and supervisors. ‘I find it very strange that an organization so on guard for bigotry does not practice what it preaches,’ she said.”
For more on this topic see the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. Download the free guide by clicking here.
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