OTHER Videos of Interest 24 videos found 18:19 One Year of Patronizing ONLY Black Businesses: The Empowerment Experiment 17:27 Mallence Bart’s Brilliant 2015 TedTalk American Apartheid: Racism in Real Estate Policy The DIMMING : How Geo-engineering Effects the Earth 4:49 Real Gangstas, by Bro. Jasiri X Dr. Christina Parks Testimony For Michigan House Bill 4471 (HB4471) on 8/19/21 Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 with Ed Asner Min. Farrakhan on Dangerous Vaccines and a Book by Eustace Mullins The Mis-Education of Israel The Dope Busters David Duke: Will Israel Assassinate Obama? IVERMECTIN: You Will Not Get Sick – Dr. Pierre Kory Israel Lobbyist – We Need a False Flag to Start War with Iran! Dr. Keith Cheng finds that whites are MUTANTS of the human race Harry Belafonte talks about his last time with Martin Luther King and King’s fear that our people are integrating into a burning house. Martin Luther King How White People Got Their Land and Wealth Gen. Wesley Clark Exposes Secret U.S. Military Plot How White Folks Got So Rich 12»Page 1 of 2