Blacks & Jews 52 videos found Steve Cokely on Leo Frank and the Start of the Black-Jewish Relationship, 1993 18:19 One Year of Patronizing ONLY Black Businesses: The Empowerment Experiment 22:00 The Voice of the Jews of America — Threats of Violence 17:27 Mallence Bart’s Brilliant 2015 TedTalk 2:10:21 Dr. Cornel West – Rabbi Michael Lerner at Howard University, 1995 AIPAC Capture of Black Politicians American Apartheid: Racism in Real Estate Policy Scholars Reveal the Jewish Role in the Slave Trade 58: Black Anti-Semitism Hoax 40:00 Candace Owens Interviews Briahna Joy Gray The Racial Lies of Leo Frank Min. Farrakhan on The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Jewish Scholar: NEW YORK JEWS were Pro-Slavery during the Civil War David Duke: Will Israel Assassinate Obama? Censored Film Exposes the Israeli’s Attack on Black Youth Dr. Keith Cheng finds that whites are MUTANTS of the human race Harry Belafonte talks about his last time with Martin Luther King and King’s fear that our people are integrating into a burning house. Martin Luther King How White People Got Their Land and Wealth 123»Page 1 of 3