Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

Democracy & Slavery—the Jewish History

The people in America are confused and one against the other and that confusion is waxing stronger every day but she’s still the only game in town. But in her midst is a whole people that didn’t come on the Mayflower, that didn’t come seeking freedom, but came in the holds of ships as slaves. The same Jewish people that say they are friends were the principal architects of the slave trade. They were the principal beneficiaries of the slave trade. We have this documented sisters and brothers from their own own scholarly writings—not from the mouth of Louis Farrakhan. They were the principal architects in distributing the slaves; they were the auctioneers that sold the slaves; they were the plantation owners that bought the slaves; they were the masters that bought the slaves; they were the ones that helped to rob us of our minds, of our names, our language, our culture, our religion, Our God. So that today you know nothing of yourself because of your friends…

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