Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

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Exploiting the Tragedy of Murder

(Final Call, Vol. 33 No. 29) – The tragic murder last week of three Christians near Kansas City, Missouri, was rightly described by the Anti-Defamation League as a “cowardly, unspeakable and heinous act of violence.” The frequency of these senseless acts is the product of a society that has lost its way to the oneness of God.

But when prominent Jewish institutions, Jewish organizations, and Jewish individuals exploit the tragedy to push their own agenda, it only compounds the pain of the victims and further misinforms a nation seeking answers and solutions.

The so-called “paper of record,” the New York Times, has been Jewish-owned since the Tennessee-bred Adolph Ochs bought it in 1895. Its history of spreading racism is well known and is symbolized by the fact that Ochs refused to capitalize the word “Negro” in the paper until almost a decade after the Ku Klux Klan capitalized it in their publications! The terms “nigger,” “coon,” and “darkey” were used interchangeably with “negro” and “colored.” And Ochs’s New York Times countenanced and endorsed lynchings against Blacks.

Last week, the Times, now in the hands of the Sulzberger family, claimed to be covering the Kansas City tragedy. But, quite suspiciously, its report included an oddly worded paragraph that requires our careful analysis. The Times reporters wrote that the shooting suspect, Frazier Glenn Miller,

“was a fan of David Duke, a white nationalist and a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, and Louis Farrakhan, the former leader of the Nation of Islam who blamed Jews for slavery in America.”

The statement is so rife with error that there is little doubt that it is crafted for no other purpose than to slander the most powerful and effective Black leader in America and the world by associating him with an illegal, immoral act of bloody violence. The Times’ nonsensical association of the American terrorist group Ku Klux Klan with its most potent enemy, the Nation of Islam, is only the first of the Times’ spurious slanders.

It is no secret that the Jewish community has a real problem with freethinking, independent Black leadership. At the very top of that list is Minister Louis Farrakhan. The Minister’s incisive and unfailing critique of American foreign policy, America’s corrupt agenda in the Middle East, its almost maniacal worldwide thirst for oil and other natural resources, its illegal pursuit and obtainment of those resources by any means necessary, and its use of false-flag operations to achieve those ends, is the opposite of what Jews have trained and financed their negro leaders to do.

The Times further misidentifies The Minister as “the former leader” when it could not be easier to see and hear Minister Farrakhan referring to himself in 2014 as “National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” the leader of the Nation of Islam. Even Wikipedia refers to him as “Head of the Nation of Islam.” Just like its arrogant refusal to capitalize “Negro,” the Times’ purposeful blunder is intended to relay the wishful thinking of its owners, executives, and board—not a single member of which in 2014 is a Black person. Sulzberger further confirms his foul intent by refusing to place any proper title before The Minister’s name, while eight times in the very same article the reporters are careful to place “Mr.” before the name of the suspected killer.

Then the New York Times “journalists” inexplicably raise the issue of the four-century-long Jewish involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade as though this is the sum and substance of The Minister’s message. The Minister is in fact the greatest teacher in the history of Black people in America, a title he earned through unmatched dedication to the Truth and the Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. His 58-part series, The Time And What Must Be Done, which he delivered in 2013-2014, only summarizes the vast range and depth of subjects he has presented to our people and the world. And though he never “blamed Jews for slavery in America,” here is what the head of the American Jewish Historical Society Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael said about the illicit, immoral trade in African human beings: “[I]n all the American colonies, whether French, British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.” Rabbi Raphael is accurate in this shocking assessment, which is corroborated by many other Jewish scholars.

Alan Dershowitz with Israeli agent and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Proof that the Times intended to connect Minister Farrakhan to the crime rather than report the crime is the number of opportunistic Jewish pundits who appeared suspiciously ready with “facts” and details about the suspect’s “connection” to Farrakhan. Among them is the shameless celebrity lawyer and Israel-firster Alan Dershowitz, who was the quickest to a “Breitbart-TV” microphone, where he mentioned the name “Farrakhan” three times. So anxious was he to use the murders to push the “anti-Semitism” agenda that he never once mentioned the name of the Christian suspect, Frazier Glenn Miller, or the names of the three Christian victims, Reat Griffin Underwood, William Lewis Corporon, and Terri LaManno. He was, however, able to make mention of two of his books, as we would expect an opportunist to do.

Dershowitz said that the suspect “admired” Min. Farrakhan but deceptively evaded the fact that Miller also stated admiration for conservative syndicated columnist Republican Patrick Buchanan, former Republican congressman Ron Paul, and even President of the United States Barack Obama. Dershowitz, of course, is not trying to link these three men to a violent murder.

As the Final Call editor Richard B. Muhammad wrote, “Min. Farrakhan has never been arrested for spitting on a sidewalk, let alone physically assaulting anyone.” And is it not incredibly ironic that while suspect Frazier Glenn Miller actually admires Barack Obama, the only overt and direct threat of assassination of the first Black president, came—not from the Ku Klux Klan, but from the Jewish publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew Adler. Lest we forget, Adler wrote that Dershowitz’s beloved Israel should consider “giv[ing] the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel [Obama] in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.” If anyone might have thought this to be a slip of the pen, Adler continued: “Yes, you read…correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence…”


Who should Black people be more concerned about? The Atlanta Jewish Times has promoted the events and books of Mr. Dershowitz.

In a just-released 2010 interview, the suspect Miller expresses admiration for Min. Farrakhan, yet he calls Farrakhan’s people—Blacks—“mud people” and declares, “It is time for white people to unite, to join together, and to take our country back.” Obviously, this ideology is abhorrent to any sane Black person—but maybe not to Jews. As Jewish author Eric L. Goldstein points out, the Blacks-as-“mud people” concept has plainly Jewish origins. America’s Jews were not happy with the emancipation of the Black slaves who provided the labor for their cotton-based wealth, and some publicly asserted that “the Negro forms the mud at [the] base” of civilization.

Miller’s desire to see white people “take our country back” came from the lips of the man that is considered the most significant person in Jewish American history, Samuel Gompers. He publicly warned Blacks that “Caucasian civilization will serve notice that its uplifting process is not to be interfered with in any way.” The editors of the Jewish South newspaper opined, “Negroes are intellectually, morally, and physically an inferior race—a fact none can deny.” In Texas, Rabbi Jacob Voorsanger wrote in a sympathetic Jewish newspaper that Blacks are acceptable only “if pursuing their ordinary avocations as the hewers of wood and water carriers of society.” But when Northerners stir up their “sluggish blood” they become “intolerable, if not absolutely dangerous.” And lest it be claimed that these are only Jewish individuals expressing individual views, let us—Blacks of America—rely on the conclusion of rabbi and historian Bertram W. Korn, who confessed that “many Southern Jews believed slavery to be indispensable to their happiness and security.”

It is hardly a secret that the Jewish-run Southern Poverty Law Center is inextricably linked to the Anti-Defamation League. The SPLC pointed out that the suspect Miller had Ku Klux Klan ties, and then nearly tripped over itself to get to a microphone to connect those terrorists to the “hate group” Nation of Islam. But the reality is that the KKK and the Jewish people have a deep connection with each other. The Jewish Tribune newspaper actually printed an article titled “Jews in the Ku Klux Klan,” and its Jewish author was public relations director for the ADL’s parent organization, the B’nai B’rith! He boasted that Jews have had “a considerably more important hand [in the KKK] than Jews know about,” and he revealed that the most prominent Jew in the country, Judah P. Benjamin, “gave them considerable financial assistance.” Now that’s a connection.

This is not what Minister Farrakhan or the Nation of Islam would ever do. The NOI was formed to put an end to this kind of wickedness. But aiding and abetting the Ku Klux Klan is what the Caucasian Jews actually did. These are acts of hate and violence that shooting suspect Frazier Glenn Miller would reputedly admire.

The bluster and blather of these Jewish institutions and individuals are a sign of desperation, weakness, and intellectual bankruptcy. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has LINKS to millions of Black men and women whose lives have been incredibly enriched, reformed, and elevated. The Jewish history and CONNECTIONS to Black people show the exact opposite, and only Minister Farrakhan has had enough courage, strength, and LOVE for Black people to correct our vision and right our direction. 

For more on this topic see the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. Download the free guide by clicking here.

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