Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

“Meat Vs Rice”: A Jewish Attack on the Asians

The powerful Jewish leader—American Federation of Labor head Samuel Gompers and B’nai B’rith leader Herman Gutstadt believed violently that Asian immigrants undermined white labor, and in 1901 they co-penned one of the most racist documents in American history, in which they presented the choice facing white America in its very title: MEAT vs. RICE: AMERICAN MANHOOD AGAINST ASIATIC COOLIEISM; WHICH SHALL SURVIVE?
So treacherous was this screed, so blatant its appeal to deep racial hatreds, so transparent in its intent to incite racist violence, that it would easily surpass in its cruelty the worst propaganda of Hitler’s Nazi party.

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