Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith


The Jewish Funeral of Muhammad Ali

The surrounding of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan by the Louisville police at the funeral of Muhammad Ali raises fascinating questions about WHO actually was in control of the event, held June 10. Who orchestrated such a brazen and foolish police action? And further, who made Billy Crystal the “headliner” and why? Would the family of Ali have ordered such a rude and insulting spectacle as this? Highly unlikely. A few facts:
(1) The Louisville, Ky., police are trained by the Anti-Defamation League and Israel—two of the most racist entities on the planet: 
(2) For the past decade the name “Muhammad Ali” has been “owned” by a Jewish businessman. According to the New York Times:
Robert F. X. Sillerman
Robert F. X. Sillerman-“Owner” of Muhammad Ali’s “name, image and likeness”
Robert F. X. Sillerman, the chief executive of the entertainment company CKX, announced yesterday that his company had paid $50 million for an 80 percent stake in Mr. Ali’s name, image and likeness. The other 20 percent will be retained by Mr. Ali and his company, GOAT (short for the “greatest of all time”).
The acronym GOAT, which Ali chose to represent himself in this business arrangement, is concerning. The most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was clear in his writing titled “The World“:

[T]he two must be divided, and the followers of each can go along with their own leader. The righteous will follow their own leader and the wicked will follow their own leader. This is symbolized in the Bible under the symbols of “the Sheep and the goats.” If you study the nature of these two animals, you will find that there is a great difference between them.

One Animal (the sheep) is trustworthy; and the other animal (the goat) is untrustworthy. By nature the Black People are good, but the Black Man is like a sheep—if the wrong people, the evil people, teach and guide him, he will become like his evil guide.

[See Matthew 25:32: “All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the GOATS.”]


(3) Muhammad Ali’s funeral was “produced” by SFX Entertainment, Inc.—of which Robert F. X. Sillerman is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors. SFX is described as the “largest global producer of live events and digital entertainment content focused exclusively on…world-class festivals.” The funeral of Muhammad Ali was indeed a “world-class festival.”

(4) Billionaire Robert F.X. Sillerman bought majority rights to the Elvis Presley estate as well as a share of “American Idol.” His company also held a stake in the management company for Woody Allen and Robin Williams. “American Idol” plummeted in the ratings and is now defunct; Woody Allen’s image is tainted by pedophilia charges; Robin Williams committed suicide; and Sillerman declared bankruptcy in February 2016. He badly needs his Muhammd Ali “property” to generate revenue. 
Sillerman’s client Billy Crystal
(5) This background also clarifies how Billy Crystal became central to the Muhammad Ali spectacle. The long-forgotten comedian is on the short list of Sillerman’s management clients.
The funeral of Muhammad Ali appears to have been a Hollywood production scripted by Robert F. X. Sillerman and designed to raise the value of two of Sillerman’s properties: Billy Crystal and Muhammad Ali. An eyewitness at the Ali event saw Sillerman there “in dark hat and glasses wearing khakis,” and said that “the way people got out of his way and in general acted around him” suggested that he was in charge.
As “owner” of Muhammad Ali’s “name, image and likeness” Robert F. X. Sillerman was MOST interested that the Ali BRAND be preserved and maintained as a marketable asset. The potential profit from Ali hamburger grills, Ali mattresses, or Ali chicken nuggets could be irreparably harmed if the world were reminded of the political stances and religious beliefs that actually gave Ali worldwide fame. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was the only person who could address this potent reality. It was very likely Robert F.X. Sillerman who ordered the police surrounding of the only man he can never buy, script, or control.

(Read the 2016 released THE SECRET RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLACKS AND JEWS, Volume 3, which focusses entirely on the shocking Leo Frank Case of 1913-1915, which is considered the worst case of “anti-Semitism” in American history. In paperback and Kindle e-book)
