Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith


‘Slavery’ in Sudan is About Oil & Gas—NOT Slaves

“Outrage” at Sudan ore to do with “rolling blackouts” than with a “slave trade”

Lest someone think that Colin Powell’s “elevation” to the cabinet in the Bush White House represents progress for Black folks, let us review his latest foray on America’s behalf into the beleaguered continent of Africa. There is a distinct series of coincidental crises that on the surface appear to have nothing to do with each other but that are linked by white America’s desire to dominate the Black world and monopolize all of its resources. Sending the first Black Secretary of State to Africa is Bush’s first step in accomplishing this end. Consider the following recent events:

1. “Rolling blackouts” imperil California;

2. Bush announces his “energy plan,” which counts heavily on oil exploration;

3. Alaskan arctic circle oil exploration plan is killed by new Democrat-controlled legislative leadership;

4. Bush declares Sudan to be “a disaster area for all human rights,” then sends the Black Colin Powell to “show interest” in the region;

5. Powell pledges that the United States will “support” Sudan to overcome human rights abuses.

No one familiar with the history of United States policy in Africa, or with the white man generally, believes, even for a millisecond, that Bush or Powell give a damn about the African people in any humanitarian way. Nor does anybody believe—except some powerful Jews and their dutiful Uncle Toms—that America is interested in stopping any “slave trade” in Sudan. The last time America showed interest in Sudan was in 1998 when “by mistake” some American Tomahawk cruise missiles obliterated a Sudanese pharmaceutical plant that was manufacturing 60% of the region’s medicines. And the last time Powell was in Africa was in 1993 when he was “feeding” starving Somalis with U.S. helicopter gunships, AC-130s, the Navy SEALS, the Delta Force, the Army Rangers, and $25,000 rewards on the heads of local Somali leaders.

As Cedric Muhammad and Min. Akbar Muhammad rightly and cogently pointed out (Final Call May 7, and May 22, 2001 respectively), Blacks ought to be suspicious of what appears to be righteous indignation over what white “humanitarians” call a “slave trade” in Sudan. With international human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch and media outlets such as the New York Times reporting that trading in slaves was active in many regions of the world including Israel, Guatemala, Thailand, Brazil, Pakistan, Mali, China, India, Kosovo, Russia, the Philippines, and even the United States of America, one has to wonder why the world’s biggest slave traders-the whites of the United States-have specifically focused on Sudan to the exclusion of all other “slave trades.” The brutal civil war that has wracked Sudan has caused much suffering of the desperately poor at the hands of the desperately poor. Trade in prisoners of war, refugees, and the displacement of the starving masses are a tragic result of generations of colonial abuse and exploitative Western manipulations.

Despite the incessant demands of the “abolitionist” opportunists, one very anti-Islam Christian Science Monitor correspondent nonetheless reported something different in Sudan. On page 326 of his book Me Against My Brother (2000), Scott Peterson writes of returning to Sudan after having covered it for years: “But for me the real news was how things had changed—apparently for the better-in Sudan….Opposition leaders spoke openly, admitting that the Islamic regime had grown ‘older and wiser’… [T]he brutal thrust of the early days was gone.” Only in America is the press preoccupied with “slavery” in Sudan. The BBC of England, for instance, has covered the crisis in Sudan closer than any American media outlet and hardly gives an alleged “slave trade” any notice.

So why has Colin Powell and George Bush heightened the anti-Sudan and anti-Islam rhetoric at a time when there seems to be a marked improvement? One need only scratch the surface of Sudan to find out why Powell was sent over to Africa to “care” about her. The same BBC reported that the unrest in Sudan is entirely due to the vast oil deposits in that country’s southern region and that the race to extract it is driving all of Sudan’s conflicts. Correspondent Andrew Harding reported that “48 villages were burned in just one new oil concession last year.”

As much as 2 billion barrels of oil and 3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas have been discovered in Sudan and a panting energy-desperate America has taken full notice of that discovery. Many multi-national oil companies, including Shell, Gulf, and Mobil, are already under contracts to extract the oil, and even Rolls Royce of Britain is supplying the engines which are used to pump the oil along the pipeline.

America’s energy future depends on coveting new oil supplies from Africa, but she is reluctant to commit troops under that crass pretext. Powell is Black and still carries an air of credibility that whites simply do not have. When troops are committed to America’s impending oil invasion of Sudan, it is Colin Powell who will be required to make the “humanitarian” case to the American public. This is why the “slave trade” issue must be kept alive.

Jews see this new reserve as a critical and necessary supply to overcome Israel’s dependence on Arab oil. Israel’s continuing Holocaust against the Palestinians has finally caused some oil-rich Arabs to threaten an embargo. This is why Bush made his bellicose comments about Sudan at a May 3, 2001 meeting of the American Jewish Committee. Bush said: “We must turn the eyes of the world upon the atrocities in Sudan.This is a first step; more will follow.”

This is also why certain white Jewish “abolitionist” organizations have been disingenuously demanding that “black leaders” (read Farrakhan) condemn the “slave trade” in Sudan. Once they have this “Black” condemnation America and Israel can attack the Sudanese oil fields under the guise of stopping the “slave trade” and claim that they are responding to Black America’s moral appeals.

Min. Farrakhan has wisely avoided this ploy and has been working behind the scenes to effect a real and lasting peace for our African family. Other “black leaders” have fallen for the scam and can be seen and heard actually demanding military intervention by the United States. Blacks ought to understand that not only is America going to invade the Motherland to literally steal the oil and gas, but they intend to send your young men and women to do it.