Proof of a Vision: Minister Farrakhan’s MESSAGE from Elijah
By Tingba Muhammad, NOI Research Group
(Final Call, March 1, 2013) – The vision-like experience that The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan had in 1985 is part of the instructional fabric of the Nation of Islam. Now there is conclusive supporting data discovered by the NOI Research Group that establish the factual basis for The Minister’s spiritual experience. This body of data shows a flurry of secret diplomatic and military activity at the moments in time in which The Minister says his vision-like experience occurred. This evidence is drawn from, among other sources, now-declassified documents, new investigative journalism, White House records, and diary entries of the President of the United States. There is even a photograph that has been found of the very meeting in question.
Minister Farrakhan describes the event as a “more than a vision experience” and the fullness of that seminal event was catalogued in Mother Tynetta Muhammad’s insightful book The Comer by Night and in a series of articles authored by Bro. Jabril Muhammad that appeared in the Final Call newspaper. Our research will address the portion of Min. Farrakhan’s September 17, 1985, experience that is quoted below:
“In this vision…Elijah Muhammad spoke to me these words: ‘President Reagan has met with his joint chiefs of staff to plan a war. I want you to hold a press conference and make known their plans. And tell them that you got it from me, Elijah Muhammad, on The Wheel.’…”
The reference to The Wheel is highly significant in the Teachings of the Nation of Islam in that it refers to the “wheel-shaped plane known as the Mother of (all) Planes”—“a masterpiece of mechanics”—a human-built plane spanning “a half-mile by a half-mile.” Launched in 1929, it was built by the man known to believers as Allah in Person, Master Fard Muhammad, the long-awaited “Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mahdi” of the Muslims. This awe-inspiring “Mother Plane” houses 1,500 smaller “baby planes,” and whereas the Nation of Islam has clearly identified these aircraft, when they are seen by the general public they are referred to as UFOs. The Bible refers to these vehicles in its Book of Ezekiel (1:16) and in Exodus (13:21) as “the wheel(s)” and “a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.”
According to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad through his Representative Minister Farrakhan, The Wheel is “a weapon that all of the technology of the Western White world can’t fathom,” whose purpose is to destroy the present world. So the appearance of Elijah on that Wheel in Minister Farrakhan’s vision carries a great significance—and not just for Nation of Islam members and believers. This Wheel would have intrigued Ronald Reagan himself, for in 1974 he claimed to have had an encounter with a UFO while he was still governor of California. A week later he described the event to Norman C. Miller, then Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal:
“I was in a plane last week when I looked out the window and saw this white light. It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said, ‘Have you seen anything like that before?’ He was shocked and said, ‘Nope.’ And I said to him: ‘Let’s follow it!’ We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. When we got off the plane, I told Nancy all about it.”
The pilot of Governor Reagan’s plane, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Bill Paynter, backed up Reagan’s version of the incident with the UFO:
“It appeared to be several hundred yards away. It was a fairly steady light until it began to accelerate, then it appeared to elongate. The light took off….The UFO went from a normal cruise speed to a fantastic speed instantly….We didn’t file a report on the object because for a long time they considered you a nut if you saw a UFO.”
Reagan’s deep fascination with this issue is demonstrated at various points in his life and so the emphatic point made by The Messenger—“And tell them that you got it from me, Elijah Muhammad, on The Wheel”—may have been meant specifically for Reagan to hear. And Reagan’s “close encounter” was carefully concealed by the media and his handlers until after he left the White House, so Minister Farrakhan could not have known about Reagan’s experience with The Wheel through any conventional means.
During a press conference he held in February of 1986, it dawned on The Minister that his vision of the Reagan-planned war was in fact targeting the north African nation of Libya and its leader, Col. Muammar Gadhafi. Two months later, on April 16, 1986, Pres. Reagan did indeed attack Libya—almost seven months to the day from the Minister’s September 17th experience.
What actually was happening in the Reagan White House and in the United States military during those critical months in time that correspond to The Minister’s profound experience on The Wheel?
First let us consider the strategic role of Libya in world affairs that made it a target of the world’s most powerful nation. It must here be remembered that Reagan was described as being “obsessed” with Libya and its leader throughout his presidency (1981–1989). Not only was Col. Gadhafi sitting on massive strategic oil reserves, but he was seeking to unite all Arab, Muslim, and African oil states, and, more troubling, he was governing a large part of Chad, which is a major producer of uranium. Gadhafi’s Soviet-assisted vision for the region was diametrically opposed to the colonization schemes of the West and its Israeli representatives. And Reagan’s obsession had been an American obsession from the nation’s very beginning. Tripoli was the center of the first covert operation in American history—under Pres. Thomas Jefferson in 1804—and it was now the concern of the Reaganites.
The Reagan administration had been aware and approving of a 1984 assassination attempt against Gadhafi by French agents that failed. And secretly, the United States was engaged with Israel and its Arab client states in a propaganda operation that not only planted false stories in the media to link Libya with any “terrorist” act—bombings, kidnappings, hijackings, assassinations, etc.—but also invented the “evidence” that “implicated” Libya. Records now show that operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Israeli Mossad performed terrorist acts and blamed Libya. This, the Reaganites hoped, would turn Col. Gadhafi into a pariah, which would justify his violent removal.
In the months leading up to Minister Farrakhan’s experience, evidence shows a series of political crises that foreshadowed the early September 1985 meetings of high-level military officials in the Reagan administration.
Though Reagan’s published diary was clearly edited to be made compatible with official American propaganda, he demonstrates “concern” over Libya in several pre-September entries. On June 27, 1985, Reagan mentions that “Quadafi is talking to Iran & Syria about a joint terrorist war against us.” On July 3: “We are also discussing a plan to take care of the Libya situation—including bombing some known terrorist training centers.” Records of the National Security Council (the body responsible for national security issues) almost mirror Reagan’s diary. They similarly show that Libya was the topic of their meetings on June 25th and July 3rd. In a July 9 speech, Pres. Reagan used his most aggressive rhetoric against “a confederation of terrorist states” he identified as Nicaragua, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, and Iran. They were, he said, “the strangest collection of misfits, Looney Tunes and squalid criminals since the advent of the Third Reich”—a malicious reference designed for Israeli ears.
Then, according to journalist Bob Woodward, an emergency meeting was called in mid-July when state department officials overseas were secretly flown home to—in their words—“stop the madmen in the White House” who wanted an immediate war against Libya. For the moment they were successful.
Between July and September of 1985 plans were developed for a joint US–Egyptian military offensive against Libya, but it was rejected only because Egypt’s Pres. Mubarak did not trust the United States. The plan was dubbed “Operation Flower,” with its two components called “Operation Tulip” and “Operation Rose.” Both were covert CIA operations, with “Tulip” using Libyan exiles to overthrow Gadhafi in a coup d’état, and “Rose” being a joint U.S.–Egyptian military campaign against the Libyan government. On September 1st, units of the Libyan military did in fact try to overthrow Gadhafi, but the rebellion was crushed and 43 senior officers were arrested.
The Meetings
Minister Farrakhan’s September 17th vision referred to meeting(s) of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) earlier that month. Based on the best evidence, the secret meeting(s) probably occurred on September 3rd, two days after the failed coup d’état in Libya, and then again on September 9th during a secret gathering of top military leaders from nations in alliance with the United States (NATO). The latter meeting is depicted in a photograph now held at the Reagan Library (see below).

On September 3rd, returning from vacation, Pres. Reagan met with his National Security Council, and its Planning Group. According to Reagan’s diary, “[Egyptian] Pres. Mubarak believes

& mainly Egypt. We’ve been meeting with [him] on how we can assist him if Egypt is attacked. Do we all go out & join in a war & would our people support such a move? There is no doubt Egypt & the Suez canal are very important to our security. Still it’s a complex problem. For now we’ll keep on studying contingency plans with Pres. Mubarak.”
Six days later, on September 9th, Reagan writes: “I welcomed the 18 Generals commanding their country’s forces in NATO. They are here visiting our military bases.”
That language suggesting that the “visit” was ceremonial in nature was clearly for public consumption, but it is evident that wars were being planned and various military roles were being assigned. The “visit” of these top commanding generals is not like a convention or annual gathering. If it were ceremonial, there would be plenty of photo opportunities and chest-pounding for the non-NATO world to see—much like the Russians’ annual review of their weaponry through Red Square. But the media make no mention of this extraordinary meeting (or their “visiting military bases”). Nor does Reagan say when these commanders arrived in the United States and when they departed.
If, as Reagan says, “the 18 generals” are “visiting military bases”–plural–one must realize there are over 500 bases in America alone, and dozens of military facilities in the area surrounding Washington, DC. Their visit to the United States, some from thousands of miles away, must have been for at least several days. And it is highly unlikely that eighteen NATO commanders would come to America and not meet with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which is made up of the top commanders of the U.S. Navy, Army, Marines, and Air Force.
This was most likely the meeting that The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was told of on The Wheel. And it is clear that The Minister could not have known of it through any conventional means.
Later that day (September 9th), Reagan meets with a group of Jewish leaders for a “photo op,” but with the Middle East on the brink of war the description of this meeting as ceremonial is suspect. At about this time the Israeli Army was placed on heightened alert on at least five separate occasions.
The March to War
Immediately following those two (or more) planning meetings, a series of events occurred that continued the march toward the April 1986 bombing of Libya.
On September 10, Israel released the last of hundreds of Palestinians they held, whose freedom had been the stated motive for many of the Arab “terrorist” acts against Western targets. This preemptive move is clearly made by Israel at the behest of Reagan to eliminate any righteous grievances so that the planned war against Libya can proceed as a “retaliation” rather than as an unjustified act of aggression. On September 11th, another suspect 20-member delegation from the American Jewish Congress goes on a “fact-finding mission” to the Middle East. On October 18th, Operation Ghost Rider—a full rehearsal for a strike against Libya—commenced in Newfoundland, Canada.
A bombing incident on December 27th at the Rome and Vienna airports kills 20 people and 5 Americans and accelerates the White House rhetoric. On Jan 7th Reagan blames the incident on Gadhafi, and now the die is cast and the American “retaliation” is assured.
In February 1986, it crystallizes for Minister Louis Farrakhan that the war he was told of was indeed to be launched against Libya. As he recounts: “From Tripoli, speaking before the representatives of approximately 80 nations, I told the vision publicly, sending back to the United States a warning to President Reagan and Secretary of State George Schultz.”
On April 14, 1986, Ronald Reagan ordered a strike on five targets in Libya. And on the next day 33 attack aircraft struck Tripoli. The total number of Libyans murdered in the attack were estimated at 60, including Col. Gadhafi’s recently adopted infant daughter Hana. Far more innocents may have perished, including the leader himself, had not Minister Farrakhan relayed that divine warning—from The Wheel.
Reagan boasted that “If necessary, we shall do it again.” Under President Barack Hussein Obama, they did.