Our Jewish ‘Friends’ at the New York Times
On December 6, 1913, the Jewish-owned New York Times printed a poem entitled “The Pickaninnies’ Christmas.” The Ochs family (pronounced “ox”) bought the paper in the late 1800s and promoted the worst forms of anti-Black racism to their international readership. The Times backed white supremacy in myriad ways and clearly saw Blacks as an inferior people. The Ochs’ refused to capitalize the word “Negro” until long after every Southern newspaper did so. Even the Ku Klux Klan capitalized “Negro” in their publications a full decade before the Jewish-owned New York Times would, despite protests by the NAACP.
As you can see, words like pickaninny, coon, nigger, and darky were commonplace in the New York Times. Pickaninny is an offensive derogatory term for Black slave children.