Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

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Interview With Bro. Demetric Muhammad

Bro. Demetric Muhammad

Q: Black and Jews seems much ado about nothing! Blacks today are doing more harm to themselves from what I can see. Isn’t this whole Jewish emphasis just a big waste of time?

A: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that for every cause there is an effect and if the effect is real the cause is also real. Black self hatred that causes us to victimize one another in the modern era has its historical antecedents in Slavery, Jim Crow Laws and The Lynching Period. Any effort to solve the myriad of problems in the Black community today that is not informed by this history can’t have any hopes of being successful.

And despite the many efforts made to have Black people to “just forget about it and move on” most Blacks have some cursory knowledge or overview of slavery in their own mind. But solving problems today requires the clearest of analysis which reveals the ugly details of the past so that we can understand exactly what happened to us that was unnatural, inhuman and wicked. When contracts are being negotiated it is often said that “the devil is in the details.” We could say that in the details of the Black experience in America we have indeed found the devil.

These details reveal the hands of those communities who viewed and used Black people as a prey or a host for parasitic economic activity. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 2 [TSRv2] exposes the hand of European Jews in the undoing of Black Americans economically. And if what was done in the past had stayed in the past, we would not need to have this discussion. But what was done in the past has continued into modern times where we remain poor and economically frustrated and destitute even in the best economic times in America. Yet we are led to believe that this is our own fault as though great efforts to set us at naught were not used against us. TSRv2 reveals these efforts in great detail so that we can have a real chance at understanding our present condition and determining the best way forward.

Q: As a scholar and someone who has studied the The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teachings what are some of the important facts from TSRv2 that really resonated with you?

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad once wrote in the Pittsburgh Courier on the history of Jesus that he was born to end the rule and independence of the Jews. In TSRv2 I learned some of what I now understand are the reasons that their rule would need to be ended.

Michael Jackson was called an anti-semite once for using the term “kike” in a song. I learned that the word was actually coined by German Jews who had immigrated and become immersed in the slavocracy of the American south well before their Russian Jewish brethren. They took to the fact that the more ethnic, and rough around the edges Russian Jews surnames ended in the letters –ki and to insult them for being ‘un-coothe’ they invented the term kike.

I learned that the term “bulldozer” came from immigrant Jews when they described giving to rebellious Black slaves a dozen lashes with a bull-whip.

I learned that despite the fact America is called a Judeo-Christian Nation, the Jewish Talmud condemns the Christian Gospel.

I learned that the early days of the labor movement in this country and its Jewish leader Samuel Gompers were all purposed to take skilled labor jobs from the highly skilled Blacks during Reconstruction and preserve them for white immigrants.

I even learned of the close relationship that members of the Jewish community had with the KKK; we have long believe that in the eyes of the Klan Jews were viewed like Blacks as objects worthy of condemnation and destruction. But the history doesn’t support that notion. Jews were members and financiers of the activities of the Klan.

I learned so much that all I can say is that I would strongly recommend this book to everyone.

Q: Min. Farrakhan is called an “anti-semite” and this has been an odious term that causes him to be viewed very negatively by many people. But I wonder is he alone in this category of being a “Black anti-semite” or just what is the history of such a designation?

I am glad you raised that question. In TSRv2 we learn that this is a device used against anyone who is in any way critical of Israel and the economic conduct of the European Jewish people. In fact online there is an interview with former Isreali Minister of Education Shulamit Aloni who told a reporter for the Democracy Now group that this is a PR trick used against critics regardless to the merit of their criticism.

TSRV2 lists many who remain beloved in the Black Community who have shared this fate of being called a Black Anti-Semite. Namely Minister Louis Farrakhan, Oprah Winfrey, Julian Bond, Martin L. King Jr., Malcolm X, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Kweisi Mfume, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and even Nelson Mandela just to name a few.

This is why today we invite you to join us in saying as they say “Never Again” will we allow our beloved leaders, heroes and heroines, to be put into this nefarious prison of public opinion that creates an impediment to their being received by their own people. And causes their good works to be denied.

Demetric Muhammad is in the student ministry class of Muhammad Mosque No. 55 in Memphis, Tennessee. He is also the author of In the Light of Scripture and A Complete Dictionary of the Supreme Wisdom Lessons. Reach him at

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