How the Synagogue of Satan Became Israel: From Sugar to Cotton to Oil
How the Synagogue of Satan Became Israel:
From Sugar to Cotton to Oil
“[T]here can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”
—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, 1984
The collapse of the “State of Israel” has dominated the world’s media as has nothing before it. The world stands in awe as the “People of the Book”—the “Chosen of God” and the “Light Unto Nations”—phosphorus bombs Gaza’s hospitals, refugee camps, and neighborhoods, obliterating the Palestinians like they were Navahos, Algonquins, or Cherokees. In fact, Israel’s savagery is an almost exact replica of a massacre 387 years ago when the “Pilgrims”—another people who believed in their own divinity—trapped some 700 Pequot, mostly women and children, near the Mystic River in New England and attacked them with unrelenting military force. Their leader, William Bradford, wrote proudly of their psychopathic massacre: “To see them frying in the fire, and the streams of their blood quenching the same, and the stench was horrible; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave praise thereof to God.”
To date, the United Nations says Israel has attacked more than 250 health care facilities in Gaza and the West Bank, including hospitals, clinics, ambulances, and their patients. As of this writing more than 30,000 Palestinians have been murdered, more than half of them women and children. To the Synagogue of Satan “the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave praise thereof to God.”
The Money Behind Genocide
And as the world is watching a genocide for the first time captured in real time, people may not be aware that they are not watching a religious conflict at all. Rather, they are witnessing an economically motivated depopulation movement to gain control of yet more oil and gas reserves. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoes the words of Deuteronomy 25:17 in posing Israel’s “war” with the Palestinians as the fulfilment of biblical prophecy: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible,” the Jewish leader said, aligning himself with the genocidal crusade of King Saul, who was ordered to “put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”
But today’s covetous King Benjamin has another goal. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan pointed out in his monumental address on February 25th in Detroit that “Israel sees billions of dollars of oil wealth under Gaza and wants to build a canal larger than the Suez Canal and take advantage of that wealth.”
According to a 2019 United Nations report titled The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential, “Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the Occupied Palestinian Territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth.” They estimate that the Palestinians are sitting atop 1.5 billion barrels of oil with an estimated value of $100 billion. Additionally, the UN estimates that Israel’s apartheid policies have thus far deprived the Palestinians of $2.57 billion in natural gas reserves.
Netanyahu told the United Nations on September 22 that he intends to establish “The New Middle East” by building a vast rail and shipping corridor connecting India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Israel, and the European Union. The plan includes the reviving of a 1963 scheme to develop what he calls the Ben Gurion Canal as an Israeli challenge to the Egyptian Suez Canal. The $55-billion, 200-mile waterway would connect the Red Sea with the Mediterranean, giving Israel control over one of the world’s key chokepoints for military ships, grain exports, energy, and other commodities. The planned route of the canal goes right through Gaza, and many believe that Israel is destroying Gaza not to root out Hamas but to make way for the construction of this canal.
Netanyahu is also connected to a gas and oil company called Genie Energy which is seeking to exploit recent oil finds in Syria’s Golan Heights. The West’s “war in Syria” must be viewed in light of this massive discovery, which they say “would make Israel self-sufficient in oil for many years to come.” All of these fossil fuel and trade motives have been deliberately concealed from the world under Israel’s false façade of “religion”—a deception that Netanyahu and his cooperative cadre of politicians and media have perpetrated upon the world.
“They Are Not All Alike”
The fact is, the alleged “Jewish nation” has been misrepresenting itself for hundreds—even thousands—of years. The Holy Qur’an warns that we should make clear distinctions about the so-called People of the Book. It says in Sura (chapter) 3, “They are not all alike.” Some are “upright,” but others “disbelieve”—and “these are the companions of the Fire; therein they abide.” The Bible is no less direct in its discrimination, in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9: “I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan….[They] are liars…” (emphasis ours). So, we find real congruity between the most ignored passages in the holiest scriptures of Christians and Muslims. And throughout history many notables—from Jesus to Philo to Martin Luther, and several of the popes—made that very same observation about the wildly different natures and behaviors of a people who claim the same name—Jews.
The Caucasian Israeli Zionists, believers in the fallacy that God sanctioned their “return” to Zion (a Hebrew term synonymous with Jerusalem), and their supporters have insisted that their actions are justified in the eyes of the world, which in 1948 established their “legitimacy.” Jewish scholars like Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand have already dealt a fatal blow to the claim that the Caucasian Jews have ANY connection whatsoever to those Hebrews of your King James Bible. Genetically, these Caucasian “Jews” are Hebrew-speaking gentiles that have simply assumed the sacred identity of a lost people and used it to sanctify their boldest colonial conspiracies and conquests. Most Israelis probably believe they are descendants of that ancient people, but they are no more connected to the Hebrew patriarchs than are box turtles.
Instead, they have a multi-millennial rap sheet that goes far back, far beyond the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the First Zionist Conference of 1897, into the deep dark world of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. And make no mistake, the path of destruction that follows those “who say they are Jews, but are not” is wide indeed. In The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews and its companion study Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, Jewish scholars and rabbis clearly document the Jewish role in the destruction of the Black man and the exploitation of his labor to serve empire-building ventures of the “Jewish” people around the globe. This history is not in dispute. The Anti-Defamation League sought to help America see the value of the Jewish presence in the “New World” when it published a pamphlet titled “American Jews: Their Story.” Putting their very best face forward, the ADL highlights 13 “pioneers” of the American Jewish community—10 of whom have been definitively linked to the black slave trade. Among them are slave traders and slave ship owners, like Aaron Lopez, Moses Lindo and the Franks family, whom the ADL describes as “well-to-do men [who] were highly respected by their neighbors and proud of their religious heritage.”
And it is that “religious heritage”—with its genocidal white supremacy at its very core—that we are witnessing today in Gaza. The more plausible motive of these Zionists only comes into focus when viewed in the light of the massive Jewish role in the worldwide marketing of sugar, cotton, diamonds, gold, and oil, commodities/industries that link Israeli Jews in a very direct way to the early stages of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
“Jews” & SUGAR
Let us start with the high-demand sweetener that inspired a people of one continent—Europe—to build fleets of war ships to invade three other continents—North America, South America, and Africa—to exterminate the people of two and to replace them with millions kidnapped from the third, forcing them to work forever to their deaths. Sugar cane did that. It was first grown commercially on the islands off the west coast of Africa, and by the mid-1500s it made the move to Brazil and Surinam and the Caribbean islands and finally to the southern coast of the soon-to-be United States. And it was Jewish merchants, largely from the trading centers of Portugal and Holland, who supplied the financing, expertise and the enslaved Africans for this labor-intensive crop to expand around the world.
According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, these Jews made Brazil “the most important area of sugar production in the world.” By 1600—176 years before the birth of America—the bulk of the sugar and slave trades was in the hands of the Jewish settlers of Brazil. The 1903 Jewish Encyclopedia affirms that these trader Jews who claimed to be the “chosen people” by 1643 “had a vast traffic beyond all the rest…”
And just as in twentieth-century Israel, the plantation Jews claimed that they were guided by God in their actions and that their plantation lands—factories of Black misery—were in fact their “Holy Land,” their New Jerusalem. To sanctify their sins and literally sugarcoat their evil the satanic sugar barons of Surinam set up their “synagogue” and called it Berakha ve-Shalom—“Blessing & Peace.” In her recent book Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society Dr. Aviva Ben-Ur describes how Surinam’s chosen ones blessed the thousands of Africans they enslaved: “The liberty Jews enjoyed…was inextricably intertwined with violent coercion….African slaves were routinely tortured on the village’s roadsides or along the fence enclosing the synagogue square.” Nonetheless, Dr. Ben-Ur says that they “viewed their agricultural undertaking as a link to biblical ancestors who communicated directly with God and received His blessings of plenty…” [emphasis ours] And in His honor Jews gave their slave plantations Old Testament names like Nachamu, Mahanaim, Succoth, Gilgal, Beersheba, Carmel, and Goshen.
Those familiar with the Jews’ brutal mistreatment of the Palestinians will start to notice some striking parallels. There’s more.
“Jews” & COTTON
In America Black toddlers, prized for their delicate and nimble fingers, spent their childhoods picking the tiny seeds out of the cotton fibers one-by-one before the lint could be milled into fabric. But with the invention of the cotton gin in 1793, a machine that speedily served that function, cotton exploded in marketability to become the most profitable commodity on the planet earth. Everyone wanted to be clothed in cotton, and that precious crop grew best in one place—the Mississippi Delta region of the American South.
We know that enslaved Africans were brought into that hostile wilderness in harrowing numbers, but only recently has it been revealed that a group of highly skilled Jewish merchants invested heavily in slave plantations and in the government, transportation, and marketing infrastructure that moved millions of bales of cotton down the Mississippi river to New Orleans and into the world markets.
And just as in Brazil and Surinam Jews in America were claiming they had been divinely guided into the plantation South. Once there, Jews used their fraternal financing connections to help build the slavery-based infrastructure of the international cotton industry. The Jewish Encyclopedia affirms this previously unknown Black/Jewish reality: “[T]he cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them.” The Lehman Brothers banking dynasty began in the cotton fields of Alabama; the Weil Bros. Cotton Co. traded 500,000 bales a year when the U.S. was producing 10 million bales annually. In fact, cotton was the main engine of the American economy, the crop at its peak accounting for an astounding 75% of the nation’s exports and more than half of its revenues.
And much of cotton’s rise to preeminence was due to the extraordinary Jewish trading network set in place for centuries. As Dr. Michael R. Cohen demonstrates in his book Cotton Capitalists: American Jewish Entrepreneurship in the Reconstruction Era, cotton trading catapulted Jews into an economic realm beyond all others, and it became the very source of financing of the American Jewish powerbase. “The experience of Jewish merchants in the cotton industry accounts for American Jewry’s golden age during the Reconstruction era.”
And again, just as in Palestine, they claimed that “God” had led them there. Before New York became the Jewish stronghold in America in the 19th century, Charleston, South Carolina, was the main headquarters of Jews Inc. Charleston’s rabbi Gustavus Poznanski extolled the holiness of the highly profitable slavery South: “This synagogue is our temple, this city [Charleston] our Jerusalem, this happy land our Palestine, and as our fathers defended with their lives that temple, that city, and that land, so will our sons defend this temple, this city, and this land.” “Again and again,” writes historian James Hagy, “they referred to their home as ‘the Happy Land’ [Psalms 41:2]; it was their New Jerusalem, New Palestine, the Promised Land.”
This was an understatement. Indeed, the “Reform Judaism” practiced by most Jews and Zionists today began in their slave-built Charleston synagogue, and their new religion was announced to the world in 1825 by a wealthy cabal of Charleston’s Jewish slaveowners.
The New Orleans rabbi, Bernard Illowy (1812–1871), sounded very much like the Father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, when he consecrated the cotton South thus: “[T]his country will be our Jerusalem. O may it also forever continue to be the holy land, the land of liberty, the house of peace, and the asylum of oppressed and persecuted humanity…”
“Jews” & DIAMONDS and GOLD
Wikipedia is clear enough: “The South African gold rush began after 1886, attracting many Jews.…Johannesburg was also occasionally called ‘Jewburg’.” [emphasis ours] And once again, Jews flocked to and thrived in yet another violent racial cauldron of colonialism. The South African Jewish Year Book of 1929 admitted that “To enumerate all the Jewish financiers who worked in the opening up of the [mining industry] would mean a compilation filling pages of print….With hardly one exception all the original mining houses in Johannesburg possessed Jewish partners….One job which in those days counted as highly as any in the State was repeatedly held by Jews—the presidency of the Chamber of Mines.” It was the growth of mining that birthed APARTHEID, with its forced labor camps, the Nakba-like forced removals of whole populations, and the murderous marauding of the South African police, yet many immigrant Jews considered South Africa to be the Promised Land.

The infamous DeBeers mining company was financed by Alfred Beit (once thought to be the richest man in the world) and the N.M. Rothschild & Sons bank (“ten times the size of their nearest rivals”) and run by the richest man in South Africa, Ernest Oppenheimer. DeBeers held the worldwide monopoly on diamonds whilst raising racial repression to a fine art. Is it any wonder, then, that the world’s pariah, the white apartheid government of South Africa, became Israel’s most loyal friend and best trading partner?
“Jews” & OIL
By the turn of the 20th century it became clear to the giants of the industrial revolution that the free flow of oil would be essential to maintaining the growth and development of the Western empire. Their focus thus became Northern Africa—now rebranded the “Middle East”—as it was the source and center of about 80 percent of the world’s oil reserves. And to secure a steady oil supply the Western powers needed a long-term Caucasian presence. A senior senator at the time, “Genocide Joe” Biden could not have been clearer: “Were there not an Israel the United States of America would have to invent one to protect her interests in the region.” The Council on Foreign Relations lists that Number One interest as “ensuring the free flow of oil from the Gulf.” And just as with sugar and cotton and diamonds, Jews are again found making a “religious pilgrimage” to the very place where the raw material—in this case, oil—is most abundant.
The borders of the newly invented “Jewish state” were not designed based on any ancient scriptural dictate such as that in Deuteronomy (34:1–4). The very irreligious British had built an oil pipeline that reached from the oil fields in Iraq and terminated at the Palestine port of Haifa in the Mediterranean. Their plan was to build a Western-controlled infrastructure around the oil industry, with Haifa to become the oil spigot to the world. In fact, the majority of Zionist Jews that flocked to Palestine landed in Haifa—not in Zion, the Hebrew term for Jerusalem! The 1950 census shows that Haifa’s population was 205,000 while Jerusalem’s was 121,000. And one of the Jews’ first acts of anti-Arab terrorism occurred in 1947 at the Consolidated Oil Refinery in Haifa, when Jewish terrorists from the Irgun movement threw bombs into a crowd of Arabs, sparking a wave of death and destruction that has never abated since.
And thus the “Jewish” State of Israel was formed around a barrel of oil—not a bible.
To be clear, Israel’s clear intention to holocaust the Palestinians under the guise of religion fits a 500-year unmistakably “Jewish” historical pattern. Satanic “Jews” have chosen for themselves much high-value real estate for the profitable purpose of exploiting its strategic resources. Long before their 20th-century trek into Palestine, their pilgrimages to their beloved “New Jerusalems,” their “Promised Lands,” their “Eretz Israels,” just so happened to coincide with their speculations in sugar, cotton, diamonds and gold, and now gas and oil. All these “Jewish” crusades were framed by (and conducted under the cover of) biblical commandments, but we now see that their “religious” campaigns all really had one purpose—to generate incalculable profits for the moneychangers Jesus himself threw out of the temple (Matt 21:12–17).
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan warned the world in 1984 of this errant Synagogue of Satan and told us exactly what we are seeing today: “[T]here can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”
For more on this topic see the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. Download the free guide by clicking here.
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Excellent article. The diabolical history of the Zionist has been diverted up for centuries, now they are being uncovered for who they are, the synagogue of Satan