Hold On, DeSean: Jews Sold Black Slaves in Philadelphia!
by the Nation of Islam Research Group
The Jewish football player Julian Edelman wants to bring superstar DeSean Jackson to the Jewish Holocaust Museum, the one just across from the Department of the Treasury in Washington, DC, where America’s money is printed. Jackson enraged the Jews, who are forever trying to avoid standing up for racial justice in America. They have become seasoned experts at inventing “anti-Semites” at the most convenient time—and that allows them to avoid participating in freedom struggles. What better way to hide their role in creating the longstanding tensions between Blacks and the police. As the world now knows, Israel trains and helped militarize the police forces across America, so Jews had to yet again roll-out the anti-Semitism scam to avoid true law-enforcement reform.
The list of “anti-Semites” is growing longer and blacker—DeSean Jackson, Nick Cannon, Ice Cube, P. Diddy, Stephen Jackson, Allen Iverson, and the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan! All of them, in a matter of a couple of weeks, have magically replaced the white murderers of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery as America’s most notorious racial villains. The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center have learned that when they create an “anti-Semitism” controversy—especially a black one— the donations pour in. Racism—a Talmudic invention—is the world’s oldest trick.
By now, Blacks must understand that Jews, being the wealthiest and most powerful subset of white people, have NOTHING to gain if there is any systemic change in America. Their sojourn in America has been the most lucrative financial arrangement Jews have EVER had in 6,000 years. And for the 400-plus years it drove the Western economy slavery was the most profitable stock in the collective Jewish portfolio. As the Jewish Encyclopedia admits:
“[T]he cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them.”
Slavery, Jim Crow, racism, sexism, and all the assorted isms and phobias have been institutionalized in America because that’s what works best for the rich and powerful and especially the Jews.
Brother DeSean’s innocent retweet of a quote falsely attributed to Adolf Hitler has generated the latest outburst from these tricky satans. The cure? Forcing Jackson to take a tour through the history of Jewish suffering and pain that occurred entirely among Caucasians, in another part of the Caucasian world. But a survey of Black suffering right here in America would seem to be far more appropriate. In fact, DeSean doesn’t need to go all the way to Washington, DC, to learn of the wretched history of American hatred and violent oppression. Philadelphia is a great place to start—and right in his own Eagles locker room.
The Jewish owner of the Eagles is Jeffrey Lurie. His money came from his grandfather, Philip Smith, who founded the General Cinema Theatres in 1935, a chain of 621 movie theaters. If you have ever been to a drive-in movie you helped little Jeffrey buy the Philadelphia Eagles. And you helped Jewish movie moguls that controlled Hollywood to spread some of the worst anti-Black propaganda ever created.
The famous screenwriter Dalton Trumbo couldn’t have been more precise when he wrote that Hollywood Jews
“…made tarts of the Negro’s daughters, crap shooters of his sons, obsequious Uncle Toms of his fathers, superstitious and grotesque crones of his mothers, strutting peacocks of his successful men, psalm-singing mountebanks of his priests, and Barnum & Bailey side-shows of his religion.”
That’s where Lurie’s Eagles-buying money comes from. Yet, according to some reports, Lurie fined Jackson as much as $330,000!
Jews Selling Blacks in Philadelphia
If DeSean steps out of the Eagles locker room and into the city, there is much to discover about the anti-Black pioneers of Philadelphia’s Jewish community. More than three generations before the Liberty Bell was rung in the state house steeple, Jews were already wealthy and powerful in the “City of Brotherly Love.”
For instance, Jonas Phillips was a founder of Philadelphia’s original synagogue, Mikveh Israel. In February of 1792, he placed an advertisement in the city newspaper to hunt and return his freedom-seeking “Negro Woman Slave” who “took nothing with her but the clothes she had on.”
In another public notice he was selling “A young handy NEGRO MAN, about nineteen years of age”—a human being he sold as a regular in-stock item, along with fish hooks, silks, ginger, linens, and other dry goods.
So common was slave trading among the Philadelphia Jews that two Jewish historians concluded: “The Jews who could afford them had both servants and slaves. The Quakers were the only people who as a religious denomination opposed the institution of slavery.” In fact, a large influx of Jews into the city occurred after the decline of the Jewish community of Barbados, but those settlers were not fleeing any anti-Jewish oppression. They left Barbados because of the emancipation of the slaves there! No more free Black labor and the Jews bounced, according to Peter Wiernik, “most of them going to Philadelphia.”
Even the city’s rabbi owned African slaves! We know this because of an ad Rabbi Jacob Cohen placed describing “a short, teen-age, bound girl [who] wore a spotted jean jacket, a striped linsey petticoat, a spotted coarse shawl and a black wire-framed bonnet, when she ran away…” The rabbi offered a dollar’s reward for her capture. Run, Sister, Run!
Nathan Levy was a founder of the Jewish community of Philadelphia, considered “the city’s richest Jew.” He and his brother Isaac teamed up with David and Moses Franks in 1741 to capture and import Black slaves from Africa. In the ad below they are selling a “young Negro Wench“:
And speaking of Hitler, Jewish merchant Levy Andrew Levy was part of a massive trading operation based in western Pennsylvania. It was Levy who participated in the extermination plot against the Indians by providing British General Jeffrey Amherst with blankets laced with smallpox. The disease killed millions of Indigenous human beings across America. Levy’s receipt for the blankets was published in a book by Rabbi Harold Sharfman.
The lead historian at the American Jewish Historical Society, Rabbi Dr. Marc Lee Raphael, made the remarkable claim that “David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.” In 1761, David Franks’s slave ship Hannah was docked on the Delaware River with a “Cargoe of Likely Negroes Just Imported Directly from Guiney” for sale. In her Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin a disgusted Harriet Beecher Stowe mentions the Jewish slave traders that set up shop in Philadelphia. She called the Jewish Davis Brothers “the great slave-dealers.”
“They are Jews [who] are always in the market, giving the highest price for slaves. During the summer and fall they buy them up at low prices, trim, shave and wash them, fatten them so that they may look sleek, and sell them to great profit.”
Jewish merchant Isaac Franks “sold slaves from time to time” and owned a young female child named “Bell.” Franks advertised in the Pennsylvania Journal on January 4, 1786: “For Sale, a likely young Negro Girl, About eight years old; has twenty years to serve. Inquire of Isaac Franks.”
The Census of 1830 provides “official” data on the slave holdings of Philadelphia Jews.
NOTE: The tally here is of household slaves and not those they bought and sold on a daily basis.
The Philadelphia Jews weren’t just trading Black human beings: they further secured their wealth by becoming key pillars in the supply chain that kept the Southern slave system in operation. Scholar Elliott Ashkenazi wrote that Southern plantation suppliers looked to the “hundreds of Jewish wholesalers” based in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore to sell all they needed to keep a stolen African people producing cotton—the most valuable crop the world had ever seen.

Further, another major source of wealth for Philadelphia Jews came from supplying arms to the colonial militias that were slaughtering the Native Americans—or as Lurie’s Jewish brother Dan Snyder in Washington would call them—redskins. Some of those Jews in the military supply trade in the HOLOCAUST of the NATIVE AMERICANS were Samuel Judah, Naphtali Hart Myers, Sampson Simson, Hayman Levy, Joseph Bueno, Simpson Levy and Nathan Levy. The “dean of Jewish historians,” Rabbi Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus, could not have been clearer about their motive:
“It was also during the French and Indian War that Jewish merchants from Philadelphia and Lancaster helped supply the army and the militia in their efforts to crush the Indians on the transallegheny western frontier. [emphasis ours]“
When the Civil War threatened to break apart the nation, Philadelphia Jews were so deeply linked to the fortunes of Southern slavery that they spoke often and ardently for the Confederacy. Jewish Texan Jacob De Cordova visited his Jewish brethren in Philadelphia in 1858 to entice Jews to settle in Texas, where “By a wise provision of our state constitution, the institution of slavery has been guaranteed.” After the war, when someone compared Blacks to Jews B’nai B’rith leader Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen—for whom a Philadelphia school is named—blamed Blacks in America for their own lynchings.
DeSean should take Julian Edelman and Jeffrey Lurie down West Hunting Park Avenue to Simon Gratz High School. The Gratz family was closely connected with the Hays, Moses, and Franks families in their slave-shipping businesses. Michael Gratz’s wife Miriam wrote a letter to him dated June 2, 1777—one month short of the original Fourth of July holiday—that reminded: “Dont forget your promise in getting me a negro boy or girl if to be had, as servants is very scarce. [sic]”
In a now famous 1772 letter, Bernard Gratz’s slave overseer wrote to his boss about a slave who even in chains was standing up against his Jewish oppressors. He had tried to sell Gratz’s slave “George” at auction but George protested that he would kill whoever bought him,
“which deterred the people from bidding….[H]e behaved himself in such an insolent manner I immediately sent him back to the jail with directions to the jailer to keep him at hard labor, which he refuses to do, and goes on in such an insolent manner that it is impossible to get a master for him here….He’s now almost naked, and if not furnished soon with some clothes, I fear he’ll perish. P.S.: He’s now chained and handcuffed on account of his threats.”
No more is known of the fate of Brother George, but Blacks in Philadelphia should build a statue to that great and noble spirit! Let DeSean Jackson, Julian Edelman, and Jeffrey Lurie read that letter aloud in the Mikveh Israel synagogue on N. 4th St, where Brother George’s owner was a temple official. While there, ask the congregation about Jacob I. Cohen, who was president of that synagogue in 1810. He and his Jewish partner, Isaiah Isaacs of Richmond, enslaved Blacks they named “Tom,” “Dick,” “Spencer,” “Mieshack,” “Fanny,” “Eliza” and their children.
It is almost guaranteed that Jeffrey Lurie and Julian Edelman have no idea how deeply their people were involved in Black slavery. But are they as willing to learn about the role their ancestors played in Black suffering as DeSean Jackson and Nick Cannon are to learn of Jewish history in Europe? Are Lurie and Edelman as anxious to apologize for their people and for their ignorance? Are they willing to acknowledge just how much wealth that JEWS built on the backs of Black suffering?
One of the things we do know from Jewish history is that they built their massive power across America through unity and organization: they worked in a collective manner to profit mightily from slavery and from marketing the products of Black slave labor.
At the end of this tour of Philadelphia’s Jewish slavocracy, Brother DeSean Jackson should go to Washington, DC—but not to the Jewish Holocaust Museum. He should go across the street to the Department of the Treasury—along with our Native American family—and demand from Jews an apology in gold.
[NOTE: This unfortunate Jewish human rights history goes far beyond Philadelphia and stretches into all of the Caribbean, South America, and the slave coasts of Africa. This hidden history is well documented in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, vols. 1 & 2, and the companion volume of slave-sale ads titled Jews Selling Blacks.]