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Global Africa News: Review of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One

Book Review of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One, by The Global Africa News a monthly journal of London

Thanks to the Nation of Islam’s Historical Research Department, the secret is finally out. There is clear, irrefutable, academically sound, well researched and documented evidence, from mainly Jewish sources, that the Jews played a “significant” role in the enslavement and oppression of African people from before the beginning of chattel slavery to the present time. This book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 1, confirms and gives substance to the gut feelings of most African people that there is something wrong with the relationship between us and the Jews.

Up to now, it was, however, easier to believe that there is a natural alliance between Africans and [Jews] based on common bonds of oppression than a parasitic, “I give, you take” kind of relationship. Who would believe that followers of the Jewish faith, after their well publicized persecutions throughout history could be integrally implicated in our own continuing holocaust?

We experience this unequal relationship every day but when we come in contact with the predominantly Jewish controlled media, we are told that what we see, hear, feel and experience, is not really the case. So we become confused and we start to doubt our own individual and collective sanity.

Then along comes someone like Min. Louis Farrakhan of the NOI who is able to articulate, rationalize and explain clearly and concisely what we already know or suspect and the Jews point their big guns (literally sometimes) and shout “anti-Semitism.” When we see what they do and threaten to do to many, many of our teachers and readers such as Malcolm X, Yosef “Dr.Ben” ben Jochannon, Leonard Jeffries, to name but a few, we get angry but we still refuse to believe that they would really do such things to us. We negate our own personal experiences in favor of media lies, distortion, false accusations, defamation and suppression of facts.

But you don’t have to say or do anything specifically about the Jews for them to attack. All you have to do, like our great ancestor Marcus Garvey, is dare to have independent thought, suggest that we are not crazy or inferior and that we must be truly self-determined. Then the full force of their destruction machinery will be unleashed upon you. In particular they order some so-called leaders to condemn and attack you. A good example of this is the vicious attack on Tony Martin, the renowned Garvey biographer and professor who was terrorized by these people nonstop for six months after using The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews in one of his courses. His experiences, recalled in The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront is an indictment on the despicable behavior of the Jews and a clear indication of the importance of the information contained in this book of secrets.

There is no suggestion that the religion of Judaism was the cause of slavery or that European Jews were the only people involved in the slave trade. It is the European Jews who single themselves out from other Europeans whenever slavery, genocide or white supremacy is mentioned. Nobody pointed a finger at them until they tried to hide their involvement by using this “natural alliance” nonsense. They cite their own oppression and their “involvement” in our liberation struggles and civil rights movement (always as controllers) as proof of our relationship. But those of us who know from bitter personal and collective, historical experience, of the negative affect they have on our community, owe a duty to our grandchildren to speak up and tell the truth. Regardless of the consequences.

According to one of the mainly Jewish sources used, religious tradition and law not only “guaranteed the right to own slave” but made the ownership of African people a religious obligation, suggesting that opposition to slavery was itself “very little short of blasphemy.” Any Jew who was against slavery, (and like Christians and nonreligious Europeans, there were a few) was ostracized by the Jewish community. According to Tony Martin, “Abolitionism was distinguished by a relative scarcity of Jewish voices.” The same Jews who were expelled from Europe in the Inquisitions and pogroms were leading slave dealers shippers, owners, financiers and defenders of this obnoxious trade in human flesh. Even after conversion to Christianity as New Christians they continued trading with their brethren in Europe.

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews is one of the most important documents produced this century, it should be required reading in every history department of every educational establishment wherever Africans and/or Europeans live. Not as the definitive historical account, but as a balance, a means of filling in some of the gaps left by lies, misrepresentation and omission.

Tony Martin, who admits that even as a historian and scholar he was “only dimly aware of the Jewish role” in the enslavement of Africans, asks the question: “what is so special about the Jews that they are beyond the reach of scholarly enquiry?” According to their version of religion, it is because they have been “specially chosen” by God to rule over all other people. They obviously don’t credit God with much sense.

For more on this topic see the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. Download the free guide by clicking here.

To purchase the series click here.


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