Israel/Zionism 18 videos found Israel & 9/11 — Christopher Bollyn 26:00 Kim Iversen reviews the history of Jewish terrorism in Palestine 5:27 Netanyahu Explains How He Controls America 1:11:00 USS Liberty Ship Attacked by Israel in 1967—CANDACE OWENS INTERVIEW 1:50:00 911 & The Nation of Islam AIPAC Capture of Black Politicians 6:07 Gaza Genocide — ALL About Gas & Oil 58: Black Anti-Semitism Hoax What Happened on October 7th? Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak on Jewish Fundamentalism Part 2 of 2 Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak on Jewish Fundamentalism Part 1 of 2 Who Blew Up The Liberty? What I Uncovered Will Shock You 1:06:02 Candace Owens Exposes the Frankists + 5:17 Talmudic Thinking Explained — The Art of ‘Logical Fallacies’ 40:00 Candace Owens Interviews Briahna Joy Gray The Mis-Education of Israel Israel Lobbyist – We Need a False Flag to Start War with Iran! Minister Farrakhan on Palestine, Los Angeles 1985