2010 letters from Min. Farrakhan—to Black & Jewish leaders
On June 26, 2010, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan declared before a sold-out audience in Atlanta, Georgia, that those who have maliciously and deceitfully bludgeoned their critics with the term “anti-Semite” not only have concealed from the world their violently racist history but have usurped and appropriated the identity of the Black man and woman—the real Children of Israel. On that day, The Minister released volume two of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews and the companion volume titled Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, and sent a letter to the Anti-Defamation League’s president, Abraham Foxman, challenging him and the Jewish leadership he represents to atone for the historical mis-deeds of the Jewish people. That letter, along with both books, was sent to hundreds of American and world figures from all walks of life, many of whom have been either victims of the “anti-Semite” canard or perpetrators of the slanderous defamation. Twenty-five days later, The Minister addressed a second letter to Black Leadership. The text of both letters follows: