COMPARE Photos of the Million Man March & the Pope’s 2015 Visit
The photo above is of the 1995 Million Man March, led by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, of the Nation of Islam and held at the Capitol of the United States in Washington, DC. Below is a photo of the 2015 appearance of Pope Francis at the very same location. Compare the two photos taken from the exact same vantage point. The Pope was flanked by the leaders of America, and his visit received unprecedented promotion by the entire U.S. media. Even so the audience for this international religious leader could hardly fill the immediate grounds in front of the wading pool. By contrast, the Million Man March consisted of only Black men, was held on a Monday (Oct. 16th), and was attacked endlessly by the media and these same national political leaders. Yet the audience size was massively larger, going far beyond the pool and up to the Washington Monument, and also up the side streets. The estimated crowd size on that day is two million—the largest ever recorded.