Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

American Racial Violence

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan mentioned the sad case in Chicago where a little boy was allegedly murdered by his father’s enemies over a bad drug deal. If it is as prosecutors say, it is a most depraved and despicable act. It is chillingly similar to the 2014 killing and burning of 3-year-old Nicola ‘Coco’ Campolongo in southern Italy, because his grandfather owed the mafia money, according to police officials. A Palestinian toddler was burnt to death in an arson attack by Jewish settlers with a vendetta against Palestinians.
It is a reminder that the history of organized crime—from the Red and Black Holocausts to the Irish, Italian, and Jewish mafia—has left a trail of blood all throughout American history. The Minister also counseled that we put the Chicago case in its proper historical context. That is no small matter. As despicable as it is, the Chicago killing is, unfortunately, almost unremarkable in the Black American experience…

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