A Study of the Threat Posed by Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Million Man March
Mainstream Media as Guardian of Racial Hierarchy:
A Study of the Threat Posed by Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Million Man· March
by William E. Alberts, William Monroe Trotter Institute, Boston, 1994
This 118-page Research Report focuses on one of the most important events in the political history of Black people in the United States: the Million Man March, October 16, 1995. This event generated much enthusiasm in the Black community of the United States; but it also generated derision and anger. Some have dismissed this event as meaningless, others believe that since it was led, in large part, by Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of lslam, it should be decried and ignored at the same time.
Generally, what Dr. William Alberts, the author of this report, refers to as the “mainstream” media, abdicated objective reporting and analysis to political commentary and opinions. It may be important to point out that Dr. Alberts happens to be a White, Christian minister. The significance of this is that the Million Man March was probably supported by many other White people, as well as Latinos, Asians, Arab-Americans and others who did not have their stories reported in the media.