1967 newsletter published by SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)
There is a reason that the Israeli government has concluded that “Black youth” are Israel’s “major problem.” See this 1967 newsletter published by SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee), and especially the photos on page 4 showing a cold-blooded execution of Palestinians by Zionist terrorists. The newsletter also covers police brutality and KKK violence in the US and clearly links them all together as examples of violent white supremacy.
This Black youth opposition to Zionism is what made Jews abandon the Civil Rights movement and they have since made college campuses a red line that they will never let anti-Zionism cross. It should also be noted that SNCC leaders say they were awakened to the struggle of the Palestinians by this 1964 Egyptian Gazette article by Malcolm X, titled “Zionism is Dollarism! Where is the Messiah?”